The Multipath Problem

being in range of an enemy is wrong? guess literally everyone has major skill issues


Oh boy I can’t wait to hug the ground tighter only to be splashed by a Phoenix that missed me.

Gaijin should probably focus on testing out how 8v8 and Fox 3 fares first, then look at how to address multipathin in a following patch.

If we want to be realism, then any missile without an inverse monopulse seeker will be useless below 400 to 1000 m.


Captura de Ecrã (311)


Because the multipathing altitude cannot be changed for specific modes. It will change for all modes at the same time. Thats why ARB players are voting on it.


This is just a straight up lie, most trees are like 25 - 30m in height and 50 meters is perfectly reasonable.

it can easily be changed, the same way multipath is turned off in rb for ground radars but still there in sb for ground radars

begin from the first person who launched at you

true, lost 13-1 in a SMT vs 27 because i had less radar missiles

wasnt the case on dev, 5-3 for SMT, r77s were great at opressing

More diverse than some shitass furball


The basic idea is this.

Those who want to fight in reciprocating engine planes equipped with machine guns choose to fight around BR1~6.
Those who want to fight in jet-powered planes with machine guns choose to fight around BR7~9.
BR10 and above is the battlefield for modern planes equipped with missiles.

So why should those who do not want to fight with modern missiles fight on the top ranked battlefields?
I don’t understand why it is necessary to incorporate the opinions of such people at all.

Modern missiles can almost ignore multipath if it is true, so much so that even at 50 meters it is still very high.

If this request is acceptable, am I allowed to say that I want to equip my reciprocating fighters with missiles to fight?


I feel that people are also forgetting that chaff is now much more effective on the dev server and it’s really showing.


im sure its literally impossible for gaijin to implement differences for these modes, definitely no way at all, not possible


ok i just noticed this thread is full of cope

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What? There is definitely multipathing in ground rb.

it is but your track isnt affected by it

ground radars have a multipath compensate

what’s the cope over then?

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This one I will never forget lol. Every time I see some people wanting some stupid change, like now again, I have to remember that on average this community voted for a WORSE economy.

IRCCM already heavily hinders those dynamic fights to be fair, although yes, the current change on the dev is MUCH worse.

I’ve been playing on the dev since they changed it quite a bit and its the most boring snoozefest of gameplay you can imagine; I feel like I could make a macro that launches ARHS and notches as soon as RWR goes off, thats how monotone gameplay is.

No one except some LARPers that shoudl paly Sim battles instead want to cycle with the enemy team for 25 minutes.

This is the funniest thing I keep seeing.

As if notching or doing a 180 as soon as you hear a beep takes any skill whatsoever, the chinese bombing bots could be coded to do that lol.

I’m not arguing that flying low exactly takes skill either (it also doesn’t), but it takes more skill to not crash into a tree when youre flying mach 1.2 at 100m than to hold your elevator button as soon as your RWR beeps.

And thats not even talking about the combat at all yet, survivng while also getting kills in a furball, picking off oppotrune targets while keeping up 360° awareness takes 10x more skill than any BVR gameplay ever will; thats literally the point of all these advanced missiles - to make a skill gap irrelevant and the technology gap the only relevant thing (in the ideal case, obviously its not that black and white yet in reality).

Of all things this game needs, a smaller skill gap is like THE LAST thing.

I’m pretty sure EVERYONE is sick of the IRCCM meta.

The solution to that is literally just nerfing IRCCM severely and making lobbies smaller, down to say 8-10 people, on the old “small” maps (like Korea).
Nerfed IRCCM means positional advantage matters more, which means that being above people to “orbital strike” them is a valid strategy (see J-7E and MiG-23 MLD not too long ago) - radar missile useage helps to ensure that position if you want it, and radar missiles help to deny people to get that advantageous position “for free”. Otherwise youre also free to stay low to not be affected by radar missiles, but in return you have to keep conbstant awareness up against potential threats above you launching misisles down.


“i cant dodge missiles therefore i hate this change” poll shows


Hello Exo-,

Unfortunately for you the majority of people in this thread have better stats than you do in top tier air realistic. Take an ego check.

The “GAME” prides itself on being a simulator of real world platforms correct, but it must still maintain the title of “GAME”. In DCS, without multipath you get people who take off, fire at max range then loop back to their base. Nobody good ever dies, but they farm tourists who are clueless to what is happening around them. That is not the direction this game should go.

Arguments against multipath claim its removal would create a more dynamic gameplay loop, but to literally anyone who has a clue this is the opposite of the truth. Multipath meta has its issues with the irccm furball, but a removal would only decrease gameplay dynamics.


This is verifiable information you know. This tree here is according to my radar altimeter at a height of 190 feet, or about 58 meters.