The Multipath Problem

only the bots and people not willing to learn are pressing keep as live lmao

and ofc its the loud minority that is the americans and redditors


Ngl i would want to see you try to play and to tell us the results


What do you mean? If the target it flying low the radar box is below the target even in ground rb even for spaa radar.

as if we dont on dev/live already

yea i know, except your true lock stays on target

Wow look at all that empty space around you to fly around it. Keep in mind that OP barely has any time playing top tier jets and I don’t expect this thread was made in good faith.

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You are lying, there are trees in game that are 100m, i measured them myself with a gr7 hovering and a targeting pod to see the distance.


I believe the multipathing in the dev server should stay, the main thing gaijins needs to do is reduce the player counter, from 16vs16 to 8vs8 or hell for top tier mainly male it 6vs6, we have aircraft that spot you from more than half the map, and ive noticed 6vs6 in the dev server has been extremely enjoyable for majority of the player base.

If there is away to keep the multipath change only for Simulator and revert the change for RB, then people who want more “realistic” gameplay can stay in Simulator, while those who enjoy more casual gameplay, to stay in RB.

Because have players forgetten about the f4f ice, and Tornado f3 late? Stock grind is pain full even with the live server multipathing, reducing womt change anything about that, so after getting your f4f ice spaded, if multipathing has no change, there is literally nothing the f4f can do against a 4th gen who will just force a dogfight, but with the multipathing change sure there are consequences but the f4f now has a chance to actually defend its self.


elaborate how shooting off 1 or two missiles is more diverse than furball


What “true lock”?

4 stacks when 6v6:


bro im not doing this

“OP” has played at the top level of the games 4v4 tournaments. I should think he knows a thing or two


dude, the multipath should stay like on the dev, if you don’t like it readapt yourself or leave top tier, that’s all


I’m of the opinion of reducing the effect of multipathing on the ARB side, but with conditions. 16v16 just needs to not be a thing. Too many missiles in the same place with not enough countermeasures for them all (For vehicles with a distinct lack of countermeasures to use. Basically anything with 90 countermeasures or less could be considered as risk).

If Gaijin reduced team sizes to 10v10 or 8v8 as a STANDARD, gave us more than one spawn point, and diversified secondary objectives, as well as increasing the quantity of active secondary objectives, I would be perfectly ok with even putting multipathing all the way down to 25m. But, as is right now, I’m tossed between whether to have it at 50m like on dev or keep it as is on live at 100m. On one hand, it could shake up the ground-hugging META we’ve been seeing ever since PD was added to aircraft like 3 years ago and yield interesting results. On the other hand, it feels like there are simply too many missiles in the same place at the same time to effectively deal with.


i bet he plays at tree top levels too
haha get it

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Okay, and if there isn’t empty space around that tree I can’t get low enough to avoid an ARH, so my point stands, also for what it’s worth I have played top tier with OP in tournaments, he is a very good player who absolutely knows what he’s talking about, so you should heed his advice.


After thinking it over, it would be an absolute ass pain to stock grind without multipathing, it should stay however it shouldn’t be abused the way it is, otherwise fox 3’s are useless. Just as an experiment when the server goes live lower the multipath effect to 50m, and have it not just be based off of the terrain but also the objects on terrain. Imo if gaijin has a hard time implementing this they could implement this by making a ghost terrain floor where the player cant collide with but is also invisible to the player above forests or structures etc. and get rid of said floor when they are above normal terrain. I initially thought getting rid of multipathing was best since i also play sim (not extensively) and realized that it would not be fun especially without premium, stock grinding new aircraft without a way to defend myself.


Yh i guess, but its better than chaos

He has 29 days in a fighter aircraft, I have 45, I really don’t care if hes played in tourneys.