The Multipath Problem

Look given this post is specifically about RB, it would be good faith to remove the sim voting option as most votes going into there from this post will just be from RB players who dont participate in the mode - and considering the very small size of the sim playerbase will entirely conflate results such that they are inaccurate.


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There is no poll answer for “Multipathing is required for the game to be fine in current 16v16 but would be fine to be adjusted if they made it 8v8 or so” which is what I think and want to vote


The poll should have an option for: "keep multipath, but only if player count is drastically reduced to 6v6 or 8v8.

I agree with most of the points, a part from the diverse gameplay. Currently true missile buses (talking about things such as Tornado or F4F ICE) have no way of existing because there only intended fighting method is invalidated by the current multipathing. People can just fly low, merge and get a free kill.

Realistic multipathing should only come to Air RB with other changes, including :

  • Much smaller team (12v12 would basically be the same)

  • Maybe bigger map with better spread objectives, and multiple spawning airfields

  • A rework of the spotting mechanic. Personnally I would like to try a mode where you keep the current player tags, but only for the players YOU spotted. Maybe in a 10-15 km radius. Together with the spread spawn points, this should limit the current furball effect.


So true, I’d love to be shot at by the enemy team’s airfield patriots as I take off.


The multipathing change is absolutely necessary for SIM mode, its abused constantly by players and just completely negates radar missiles, i dont think the change will be as good for RB since its just a clusterfuck of a mode, i honestly don’t care if it stays the same in RB, but the DEV changes for SIM are good, and i really wish RB players wouldnt vote for a mode they don’t even play because “hurr durr lowering multipathing bad”


larpers gotta be carful what they wish for. it takes one squad of players in a vc to shut down a whole map with the current multipathing changes


Reduce team sizes by half and then nerf multipathing to a realistic standard and I’m fine* with whatever they do.


If anything multipathing needs a serious rework, the way it is currently implemented is extremely unrealistic and heavily favors fighters with fast SARH missiles. Reworking multipath effect to realistic altitudes as well as taking into account seeker type + a reduction in team size would provide exactly the kind of more dynamic gameplay people ask for as people would have to play around the weaknesses and strengths of their respective missiles.

normal SARH missiles should honestly start to feel the effects of multipath already starting from ~1km down
SARH missiles with an inverse monopulse seeker as well as the newly added ARH missiles on the other hand really shouldn’t be affected at all


I made a similar thread last night and people just made fun of me how are you getting so much positivity

Yes, it was a sim thread, I proposed the it to be reduced for ARH in simulator battles.

I still addressed your concerns in a respectful manner and explained how I thought it might affect gameplay for the game overall. This thread here brings up sim, even includes a poll for sim. So it is still relevant.

I’m glad you RB players are bringing up your own concerns, I think this reduction was a good step in the right direction, and I’ve since stated that I expect them to tune it for a missile-per-missile basis, since they literally set up the code to do this.


Tornado, and even Phantom to an extent will struggle to notch a missile due to how poorly they turn. I’d argue that they perform better with current (live) multipathing that without as no sharp turns are necessarily needed now.


no way there’s an overwhelmingly large number of “keep it as is on live” voters. i swear to god the mass majority of you are just base bombing F-4S players anyways

the game inherently prides itself on being a simulator of real world platforms, i have to throw a bone to the radar dev whos implemented all the changes thus far to radiation and frequencies in game, im not going to hound him for skimping out on the multipathing phenomenon bc this would require another radiation rework since multipathing is based on the RCS of the target and the aspect in which the seeker is guiding on.
but there need to be dynamics to this in game and it cannot be 100 feet above surface level bc it gives little timmy and his $70 premium a free ride all the way to the first strategic base on the map for his measly 5000 RP instead of forcing him to learn the game and air combat.



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Also when 16v16 teams usually crash into each other there’s always that one guy at a off angle that will get the angle on you and ruining multipath as a gameplay mechanic will just extend the range from 2 to 2.5km with irccm missiles to almost 10km plus if not even more. This mechanic will just ruin toptier gameplay.




I don’t play SIM so I’m not going to speak for it, but as a ARB player, in the CURRENT state of ARB, it shouldn’t be changed. If it does get changed, all it will do is cause more people to crash trying to stay low. Matches are still going to last 2 minutes. One team will either dominate or get rolled by the other team. Stock aircraft are going to have little to no chance. God forbid those who are going to be flying a stock tornado, god be with you. Later down the line when ARB gets revamped, then yes, multipath changes would be more welcome, but not now in the current setup. People think that changing multi pathing is going to change the game, its not. Yes it is makes it easy to defeat radar missiles. But people still get plenty of SARH missiles kills now anyways, some of you make it seems that radar missiles are completely useless when they are not.


The game is not ready for this change. Many jets do not have the performance to avoid a missile and many dont have the countermeasures to carry mixed and avoid more than 3 missiles.

This is not the order the changes should be made. Changes need to be made first so that half the planes dont get fucked over when you change multipathing like this.


I play tournaments with top tier vehicles, as do a bunch of other people in this thread. I think you would be best served listening to people’s concerns before you turn this discussion into an ego check.


Having the SB poll is kinda disingenuous, obviously RB players will vote on it to make changes to a mode they dont even play, there was even a proper post about this on simulator mode and most people agreed in the comments, its obvious here this poll will be derailed by non-simmers.