Clearly my point isn’t getting across. So lets use another example?
Do you think Gaijin should add the X-36?
Clearly my point isn’t getting across. So lets use another example?
Do you think Gaijin should add the X-36?
your point is not going accross, because it makes no sense. have sense.
you’re unalbe to provide original plans of the KT 10,5cm, and unable to provide any related documents.
EDIT-POST REPORT: if i’m getting reported, then also report that guy,…
It doesn’t make sense cause you don’t want it too.
The Yak-141 is irrelevant to this thread and even though questionable for the addition is fine.
The Mig 1.44 that has been suggested is completely out of the question.
It’s a UAV, and not even a test platform, not even planned to be produced or weaponized, so no.
It was a 26% scale test demonstrator. To test a tail less fighter. In all sense it preformed better than your Mig.
Yeah, something that weighs 74% less than its full scale, man-crewed counterpart, will always have better results due to a lack of Human restraint (G-loc!) and extreme weight differences that will completely change characteristics of its flight performance.
Also, it’s not like tailless aircraft have been done before, like the Ho-229, B-2 spirit, and others.
And something without its weapons bay and weapons will preform better than one with them.
Yes, and that is calculated and negated in game, so what is your point?
So you calculate and negate the size when you upscale the X-36.
Yes, an unmanned, remote control vehicle. Do you not see the issue here? It was never built in full scale or given a proper designation.
Your aircraft was never built with weapons let alone made it to a 3rd flight.
Okay, and the F-20 tiger shark never saw service with America yet they receive it.
Not to mention, your’s was never even built.
Being flat does not equal stealth
You have been the one bringing the Yak-141 to the thread,… but ok bro,…
Also just cause it says raptor slayer doesnt mean it can fight a raptor difference between a game and irl is one is virtual and modifications exist vs irl once your gone your gone plus a 57 has at least a better chance at a close range engagement with the 22 then this aircraft does
Raptor-slayer was just a dubbed name, despite it being plagued with setbacks and never being set to full production.
Also the X-34 was never planned to be weaponized, unlike the 144, it was planned to have a similar weaponry to the Su-27SM, but be outfitted with a ГШ-30-1.
The F-20 went way further in development than your Mig. Secondly Yes the X-36 was built and if scaled up would actually have space for weapon stores.
Finding an similar aircraft that failed as hard at the 1.44 is not easy. Most aircraft would either be halted before or make it further along in testing. my first thought when seeing the suggestion was the YF-23 but when I looked into the 1.44 I realized that would be apples and oranges. I guess the real closest example I could get is the X-29. Didn’t have any plans to receive weapons but the 1.44 never did receive weapons either.
That’d be closer to the Burkut, and the Burkut being closer to the story of the MiG-1.44
Yeah, the F-20 did, but it never entered service, and by your standards, shouldn’t have been added either.
The F-20 actually flew and test fired weapons.
On that note I never cared if the F-20 was added or not. But it hits more check marks and has more available data for it than the Mig 1.44.