The MICA EM missile needs to be fixed

Would be too op, so its understandable to get it nerfed, I mean, if the mica can do all those stuff, shouldnt the F4-ICE get IRIS-T missiles? I mean, look at all the other nations too.

I mean you can make arguments for whether or not Germany should get IRIS-T and in fact there may be a thread open for it as well as a bug report made.

But as far as MICA, it is to my understanding that they’re attempting to make it work rather than it being nerfed. It’s not because they’re gimping it, but rather its hard for them to get it right. R-73 went through several reworks for its thrust vectoring, so hopefully MICA EM will as well.

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MICA Should get nerfed until better counterparts are added.

It might surprise you but the MICA EM is already missing a lot of other things, such as:

  1. More seeker range
  2. MICA EM should have a directional splinter warhead. // // Issues
  3. Reduced smoke trail
  4. J band seeker so that certain aircrafts’ RWR cannot pick up the missile
  5. MICA EM missile should have increased maximum range // // Issues

and maybe a few other things. All of them have been reported and acknowledged. I’m pretty much settling for the bare minimum by asking for the thrust vectoring to get fixed.

The counterpart of IRIS-T is MICA IR FYI, not MICA EM.


This is going to make France relevant for awhile after thrust vectoring is fixed.

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Aim 9x should be added too then

Yeah, as long as the 1.5 year dominance of the R27ER has set such a precedent, I’m gonna ignore such comments. The step between MICA and all other fox 3 missiles is smaller than that of the R27ER and all other SARH that faced it during this time


There’s definitely a long line of missiles for France. I might make a bug report for missing Magic 2 Mk2, and then after that France can get MICA IR. Even then, there’s still 3 more iterations of missiles left Meteor missile, MICA NG EM, and then MICA NG IR

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Instead of panicking about MICA EM’s performance, why don’t you grind France and join us?

aim9 x and iris-t against mica ir is not what you want they do not compare at all because of their short range I would imagine all the modern ir missiles would come together.


Yeah even if AIM-9X and IRIS-T were here alongside MICA IR, I don’t think IRIS-T would fare well either, and he goes back to square 1 panicking about MICA IR’s performance, and the eventual MICA NGs.

Torture to grind ngl

Any information about the longer thrust with the Magics? Was it just how the video was shown or is it actually a longer burn time? My issue with that missile in game is the lack of range.

Btw, I did not forget about my suggestion for Subtree fixes. I’ve been lazy and needed to add clarification and images as well as be more thorough. The basic idea is still there.

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Longer burntime report was already submitted for Magic 2 as you might know, for 5 seconds. I think I made a decent case for it. But I should also make a report soon for them to add Magic 2 Mk2 which features 33% more range than the current Magic 2.


Because as a german main, you don’t understand things once more. IRIS-T is one of the latest generation of Imaging InfraRed missiles meaning if these get added you’ll see AIM9-X, Python 5, MICA IR, ASRAAM, AAM5 and PL10 come to the game except that IRIS-T will bring you no advantage as it range goes from 25 to 35 km at best. Of course you wouldn’t need to fear first iterations of AIM9X, the PL10, the AAM5 or the Python 5 as they are in the same group of ranges. But ASRAAM and MICA IR can engage between 50 and 70 km and can be inertially guided to your position through datalink meaning these 2 missiles will have significant advantage over you also these missiles being IR missiles they won’t suffer from multipath and will resist all types of countermeasures the game currently has because they recognize the shape of a plane and not just it’s engine signature. Which would make them impossible to flare with current flares. Meaning you’d get shot silently at dozens of kilometers by unflarable IR missiles that don’t suffer you flying low. So if you want to continue your complaining go ahead but just know asking for IRIS-T is sealing Germany’s fate as a dead nation.


Following this logic, 90% of major nation kit should be nerfed until competitors are added, or fixed.

As it stands, MICA should be as accurate as possible. Major nation players often tell those who mainly play minor nations “You should have made better stuff” and the moment we get said better stuff, apparently it shouldn’t be accurate because it is unfair.


cough AIM-54C cough

Major nations HAVE made better stuff. R-77-1 is more of a proper equivalent to MICA than the regular R-77 russia is getting in-game. AIM-120C-5 came into service a few years after the MICA, also a more equivalent missile. Both are already in-game, but arent being added this patch yet.

PL-12 is claimed to be more in range of the C5 in terms of capabilities irl from what ive heard, and the AAM-4 is likely even better, but both seem nerfed. Derby/R-Darter i cant say much about.

MICA is very clearly the outlier in performance here, and this is without it even performing properly due to the broken TVC mechanics. There are more comparable missiles for short range performance (IRIS-T, 9X, ASRAAM, P5), particularly if the MICA seeker gets buffed liked you french players would like, but none of those are being added either.

MICA is the clear outlier this update, and id been saying for months that its inclusion would be a genuine balancing problem because it came out in the interim of early AMRAAM’s and the later fox 3’s + 5th gen fox 2’s, and here it is, being a genuine balancing problem, sith the french having the best missile, best missile load, some of thr best avionics, the best F-16 in-game, the best TGP, and still complaining they arent getting enough.

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For the F-16AM, I have seen more apathy than excitement here. Much of the French community didn’t really care about BeNeLux aside from fear that it will delay native French additions. I also don’t exactly see how wanting the missile to be accurate to its known parameters is complaining. I dare say France having a slight edge is fine, the radar missiles are still defeated the same way.


R77-1 has been put in service in 2015

Dev server got updated. I won’t have time to check things out, but if someone can check if any changes happened to the MICA or RDY radar, I’d be glad

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