The MICA EM missile needs to be fixed

Because your complaining doesn’t make anything happen.
Infact people complained very much and nothing happened. They didn’t stop complaining when people told them to, people are still complaining. It is just that the complaining is pointless and the devs focus on what is chosen by the lead.

If this isn’t the equivalent to “Stop arguing and sit back and watch” which in violent terms translates to “STFU people you annoy me by spreading your opinion” i don’t know what this is.

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The difference is that i’m not breaking tos, i’m not telling you to F off, i am saying that it would simply be better if you did something else.
Imagine that someone is eating stones, one person tells them that you probably have better things to do but doesn’t force anything and the other person tells the person playing eating stones to just f*ck off. Who do you think is the issue?

I beg to differ, some reports were urgently fixed by similar threads I’ve made in the past. This is now probably the 5th dev server where I’ve advocated for some changes and the last 4 times were successful.

Also, I’m curious, there’s other threads that are discussing about problems that already have bug reports made for and I looked through your profile to see if you’ve commented on those threads yet but you haven’t. When will you make time to comment there or is it only this thread?


Now what you are saying is funnily enough contradicting what the other person on the side of your argument is saying. They weren’t even fixed because of the threads, simply because of the bug reports. Like the other person proved, complaining in forum doesn’t change anything, they make their internal decisions based on statistics of ingame players - not based on complaining.

Oh excuse us just a quick reminder : Germans complained about Leos not having spall liners tehy got them. Russian complained R27R wasn’t good enough they got R27ER and ET. US complained they didn’t have IRCCM missile they got AIM9M. Japanese complained they didn’t have a competitive top tier when F16s came out ehy got an imaginary plane. So no devs don’t chose to focus on what is chosen by the lead they chose to focus on what the major nations thus the ones that make the most money ask and then consider smaller nations.

You’re assuming it was fixed solely because of bug reports, and not just because of complaining. It was because of both.

In the previous dev servers, there were bug reports made for many equipments. Those that had a dev server thread complaining about it WITH bug reports, were more often fixed than the ones with solely bug reports.

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Still these changes originated from complains not only reports and here i came back on what may have annoyed you in the first place and i only see people debating about the results of their tests or their experiences on the dev server that’s not what i call complaining so. Maybe you are right on ONE SINGLE POINT complaining doesn’t always change things but for major nation be happy about it or not complaining matters a lot as it’s the éfeedback" from the community thus attracting attention on the report. But discussing calmly something like it’s been done here can make things change too as most changes to french tech lately didn’t originate from reports but alos a lot of forum and discord talk with tech mods and to devs throught these tech mods.

The weather radar reports rain in 10 minutes. I make a rain dance. Rain comes. I get to say that my rain dance caused the rain.
You 2 already proved that complaining won’t make a difference, so i don’t know why you continue to make the argument that was proven wrong by your own talk.

The only thing beneficial is giving out sources that can be added to the report but pretty much no one is doing that here.

Again you only take what interests you i said pertinent things as well as frequency of mention of an issue.

Still it proves complaining can do something. But giving light to a bug by mentioning it often works better.

Im not sure if this is a thread for the MICA EM or a thread about arguing about how the dev’s see and receive feedback.

Anyway, hopefully the MICA gets fixed and multipathing of the ARH missiles in general gets changed!

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This shows you don’t understand how this game works if forums and especially dev server sections exist it is for the tech mods and suggestion mods that are voluntary workers to gather infos and feedback of all types to transmit it to devs. So yes it is relevant because issues are not only adresse on the frequency a nations is played otherwise only nations that would get work done on them would be US, USSR, Germany and Britain.

In WT world it can work like that.

I’m not implying that you’re wrong or right, I just don’t think this is the place to argue about it.

I see this as a place to discuss the topic related to “The MICA EM missile needs to be fixed,”, not “Does the developers use forum threads to take feedback or not”.

Because whenever I see an update on this thread, I would expect the discussion to be about the MICA EM.


More than half this thread is an endless back and forth argument thats not even related to the topic -_-

EDIT: “I will not yield until my everyone else accepts that im right”, both sides having this in mind and the pointless debate continues indefinetly…

EDIT2: Atleast the “Fix the Mirage 4000” thread for the previous dev server, that was filled to the brim with garbage by one individual was actually somewhat on topic.

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Basically you want us to accept your BS while you keep discussing what we say while we are far more in connection with the subject than you, you never made a bug report and you never speak a lot in forum threads you only impose your opinion and stop arguing when people are tired of you and you esteem you won the argument. I’m sick of people like you who esteem they hold the all mighty truth. Plus to finish this on a positive note all the talk you provided here won’t change the fact tomorrow people will still discuss the wobbling and TVC issues and you won’t do anything about it.

@Smin1080p or @Gunjob , can you guys get @simbadumba out of here? Clearly de-railing the thread by a gigantic amount


flag his post and ignore him guys


« Guy please stop complaining about bugs it’s toxic » while at the same time creating a fuss in a perfectly fine and relatively small thread about an important bug, with absolutely no toxicity.
I went to sleep last night to 40 something interesting comments to know 80+ comments with half of them completely out of the original scope of the thread. Great… thanks @simbadumba. There’s only one annoying person here, and it’s you

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Looks good to me, made the missile turn too much when it was accelerating and eventually, it ran out of energy and spun out, whats the issue here?

The MICA EM missile is made to be stable and continue turns even while accelerating or at low speeds. It’s used on ships for self-defense, and so it makes quick turns immediately after launch at low speeds.

Also, the missile is also capable of “over-the-shoulder” shots where the missile is fired and immediately travels upwards to do a 180 and strike a target.

Here’s a video example:

Starts at 10 seconds in.

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