The MICA EM missile needs to be fixed

Nothing toxic about me telling people to stop complaining when bug reports are already done. However if you have looked at 99% of the topics in here most are pure toxicity. It’s not like they want to spend time around here if there is only going to be complaining about things that already exist as bug reports - which is the only thing they need.

They aren’t passed as bug reports though. If they are already aware of something as a bug report, they don’t need to hear that you don’t like a bug - they already know that no one likes bugs.

You clearly are an ignorant about bug reports. Dev Server Forum threads are used by the devs to see what is wrong and reports are the documenting part of feedback from players. Here people can share their opinions and experiences without needing to make a report and it helps the devs spot the most urgent issues.


You’re missing key information. There’s thousands of bugs, but if certain bugs are raised in feedback, then they are often prioritized and dealt with in a shorter amount of time and/or more resources are devoted to it. And as Kishin pointed out, developers do need to know from the community what they regard as the most urgent issues.


They already know what is wrong because of the bug reports that were made - and the feedback saying “i don’t like a bug” is completely irrelevant. Everyone knows that players don’t like bugs. When you say something that “doesn’t need to be a bug report”, it probably is an opinion not worth anyones time of reading.

They already know how popular active radar missiles are, and they knew that before the update was announced. It is already a primary bug to be fixed because it is the main part of the update anyway.

This is outright wrong. Not even a matter of opinion. If members of the community often bring up the same bug out of thousands of other existing bugs, then those bugs are prioritized.


Not sure if you’ve worked in development before, but bugs often sit languishing if they aren’t deemed as critical by the user base. With more complicated systems (such as games) more bug reports come in than the developer team can reasonably be aware of, and often times it backlogs the triage systems employed. By using these threads to bring attention to such bugs, triage systems can find them easier and mark their importance to be addressed by development.


They know so much what is wrong that Leclercs still have armor scheme and effectiveness of an unfinished prototype and it has been reported more than 2 years ago and still untouched your reasoning is purely rotten and outdated. Now stop messaging in this thread or i’m going to ask a mod to remove you from it by force.

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Only less relevant bugs need to be voiced out to be fixed, not primary update additions.

Except primary update features are considered critical by default because they aren’t random bugs every there and here that would need their addition to be considered important. If you have worked in development, then you probably know this already and your point is dull. Infact you can’t deny this if you have worked there because this is true.

Leclercs armor scheme wasn’t a corner stone of an update. If they were voicing out a model issue of the F-15J, lets say the vulcan was on the wrong place, then you would have to voice it out because it is not the main focus of the update - less likely for anyone to give a F about it. However, just because AA missiles are the focus does not mean that every single bit of modelling is a focus of the relevant airframes which makes that true. AA missiles are still the complete focus. They don’t need others to tell them this and that about it.

Except this is a minor nation that doesn’t bring in remotely as much coin so it’s quite likely this is not considered a relevant primary feature. It works good enough. If you’ve worked in development, you’d acknowledge that “good enough” is the standard most developers adopt when a subset of a primary feature isn’t going to draw in the majority of sales, when the particular selling point is already functioning good enough to account for it.

This is not a passion project. It is a product. America and Russia are the selling points, they work. They’ve brought everything else up to what they deem “Good enough”. Which can be demonstrated by the other bells and whistles seen in this update for America and Russia primarily. The only way to change this is voicing it in threads.

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This isn’t about minor nation / not minor nation. It is a primary focus of an update regardless of whether its a primary nation or not. They focused on these specific missiles to be added for all nations.

R-73 is a primary example of good enough, and the mica doesn’t fall in that range.

Totally going to ignore the bugs on the f-14’s and su-27’s radar, what you said about primary/minor nation and for profit product literally cancels each other out right as you said it.

And we don’t need someone to tell us what to do if people want to discuss a bug and mention it multiple times so be it. Why are you bothered byt it huh? Because you are affraid gaijin notices the bug and fix it and it’ll be against your comfort as it would buff the weapon of a nation you will play against? Your reasoning from the get go was illogical. You basically came to say “Devs know about bug, STFU i’m smarter than ya’ll”. While yourself never did ANY of those reports so come back when you’ll actively be a reporter than you’ll maybe understand the need of forum threads to give echo on a bug even if it’s a bug occuring on a main feature of an update.

Id prefer the forum to be clean instead of having 20 people say they don’t like a bug - no sh*t?

Heres the toxic trash talk. You are making things up about me to make me seem frustrated. This is toxic, and this is why this forum is not peaceful. I never made things up about your persona. Your type of talk is why this forum is filled with back and forth “you are this” “you are that”

LMAO your first message here was literally to tell us to shut up. Now if this bothers you just get the fuck out. Go into a german or american thread and go have a stroke over the fact they complain a thousand time about the same thing without being a single bit constructive about it.

Except this is, because it is blatantly demonstrated by results. Minor nations have questionable RoI compared to dev time on majors.

Which is not defeated by this. It is a product. Not a passion project. They do not care for perfection, they care for minimum viable product. Which you would acknowledge if you have worked in development. Flankers and F14s have good enough radars to use with the weapon systems they’ve received to be seen as worthwhile by a not insignificant portion of the user base. They work fine. They’ve been deemed “Good enough”. France, as a minor nation, won’t see a large amount of sales and thus the minimum viable product is what we’ve got and unless we voice argument, this fits the standard of “Good enough” as defined by the company, which could reasonably be deduced as RoI on development time. The mica “works” and thus is “good enough”. That doesn’t mean MICA or any other system in game is correct.

The only way to address these shortcomings as players is to try draw enough attention to it to get them to shift their standard of “Good enough”.

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Strawman argument, i never told anyone to “shut up”. You are accusing me of things i haven’t done.

More toxicity, against forum rules.

You’re misreading the results then because the bugs yall are talking weren’t the main focus of the update - just a side neccessity to bring the main focus.

Except you claimed that main countries get taken care of so this is where you fell short - Main focuses get taken care of, side focuses get ignored. Regardless of country.

Yeah, you’re a write off. Someone else can deal with explaining the basics of financial decisions with regards to software development and the necessity to influence decisions through feedback to this illiterate git.


“financial decisions” - Lead gets to pick what they want to be developed and they have made their pick. Like i said, R-73 is the level of good enough proven by actions of gaijin team, obviously mica doesn’t make it there therefore it will be fixed. You said this yourself.
If what you said was otherwise true then nothing would get fixed anyway regardless of users commeting on it or not. Gaijin statisticians already know the amount of people who play each tree at what battle rating, they don’t need to go to the forum to see 20 people complaining about something. What they look at is the thousands of players playing on the tree. Even then, because lead picks what is to be developed and what is not to be developed, this doesn’t override anything because the choice was made already.

Whoever said i was frustrated was wrong however it does seem that you are frustrated. You are responsible for controlling your own emotions. You don’t get a pass to break forum tos because “i’m annoyed at someone else having different opinion than me”. Free speech exists which means that i am allowed to criticize people who are meaninglessly complaining when they could be doing better things but it does not mean that you are now allowed to break forum rules against me and tell me to “f*ck off” - thats not what free speech grants you as per forum tos. So who is in the wrong here, one breaking forum tos or one who isn’t?

Oh excuse me lady you expected someone to not get annoyed by someone who repeats the same thing over and over without a single bit of logical reasoning. This place was peaceful until you brought your face up and told people to stop enjoying their right of free speech. But sure i am the toxic person here. I can say your type of talk and act is heating peoples up and then bailing out and trying to take a victim position when things start to get heated. You came here to ask for trouble and now that someone hot blooded manifests the fact you annoy them you try to make a fool out of them by trying to turn their temper against them. And if that is not toxic i don’t know what this is.

(my updated above reply includes a reply for kishin_sr6)

Then why is the SRAAM still a mess? And when people complained, others told them to “wait and see”. They waited and now they see a mess of a missile since they didn’t complain in the first place.