The MG3 7.62 cant destroy a fence

It is unreal that this machine gun, which is present on several German rank 5 tanks, cannot destroy obstacles such as stone walls or fences, making it at a disadvantage with HEAT or HE type ammunition.

Here the Leopard cannot destroy it shooting with their 2 MG

Other exemple here whit Phz 2000

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Isn’t this accurate though? As far as I know, 7.62 NATO cannot destroy stone pillars

Gives HESH a purpose in life.

can though. just needs like 3-4 rounds

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yk sometimes common sense also works

but anyway, here u go

(dont mind bro missing the first shot)


That’s stated to be cinder block, not as durable as the solid stone which the WT stone fences seem to be made of.

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Waiting for the snail to say this is not a credible source of information.


comparable bro.
and FYI, its not solid stone.
its marble or limestone. which is even more brittle
and the actual stone walls which are assemled are literally held together by mortar which falls apart at impacts


machine gun in this game arent like how they are irl
maybe 3-4 shot wont but an entire mag should
only 50 cal+ can do that in, 1 shot apparently

Fair enough. After about half a mag/belt whatever it’s called for the MG3, the stone pillars should be completely destroyed then

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i think WT just models it as is.
they say, if it can take it down at all, then 1st shot will do lol

My issue with this is that how inconsistent the destructible environment is, most obstacles and trees on one map can be destroyed with 7.62 while on others reacquire 50 cal or larger, some obstacles on some maps structures can only be destroyed with HE while on others AP will do. The same map inconsistency issue also has to do with what triggers HE/HEAT or stop Kinetic rounds and what doesn’t

This incredible sloppiness in map design has been going on for years now. When war thunder first launched for a while they where reusing the same assets for every new map, so walls, fences, trees and bushes where the same so you know how each reacted to your shells, but when they started making completely new models for each map (which is probably because they started outsourcing them, which also adds to why the map design is so awful) the consistency of destructible environment has been thrown out the window.


Just wait until you see BMP 2m and 30mm Grenade launcher what cant even destroy tents on sinai :D

Eh, it really matters what the stone wall is made of. Cinder blocks it will break it apart fast. 2+ layers of brick with stucco would stop a 7.62x51 round throw 100 rounds at it and you could destroy a single section of wall. Poured concrete much the same. I remember a video a long while ago where a 308 would put a 1 inch dent in 6 inches of concrete, but after about 4 or 5 you would start getting structural cracks.

Realistically, a section of wall that large would be a whole mag of 7.62x51 to destroy it. I’m fine with that being considered ‘unable to destroy’

It’s not even stone walls, you can’t even knock down some of the basic fences.

Infuriating when playing an ATGM carrier and being unable to knock them down.

Or even playing whit HEAT or HE carriers