As the strongest anti-aircraft system in the game,the Pantsir-S1 has a matchmaking weight that is clearly too low.It should be set between 12.3 and 12.7.This is because it severely affects the game environment for aircraft below 12.0,especially those below 11.3.Its sudden missile attacks are a game-changer for aircraft below 11.7,essentially being a form of overpowered suppression.This is extremely unfair,as the Pantsir-S1 is only available to Russia.
Only if all CAS at 12.7 moves from 12.7 to 13.7.
CAS is already unkillable at top BR, it doesn’t need to be more unkillable.
Pantisir-S1 is the ‘strongest’ in the weakest, no other anti-air vehicle is effective as it used to be with more and more addition of faster and agile planes and more and more air-to-ground weapons. If you want do anti-air work, use a plane, because it’s more effective.
Pantsir, being the strongest, still isn’t good enough to reliably beat any decent CAS pilot at 12.0+.
Or just all the way up to 14.0, I don’t see why the level cap in ground and air have to be different.
Why does the F-4E Phantom II fighter jet have to face off against the Pantsir air defense system?
Because top tier ground isnt compressed, CAS is
All planes have to do is slight turn to avoid rocket. It’s just that easy!! You can be unseen if fly ground level or 10-15 KM away and still able to destroy AAs and tanks.
While AA struggling to lock radar on plane, everything is even worst against helicopters. Helicopter should be closer than 4km to lock rocket.
I don’t understand, CAS players have everything to do what you want (i know there’s weak planes to, but not all planes are created to be used as CAS), while ground players have nothing to do to defend themselves.
Top tier ground is extremely compressed lol
Every top tier tank can kill every other top tier tank, yes some have features that are better than others. But something will always be better than everything else, balance doesn’t exist anymore
Pantsir is ONLY good against people that think having Rafale or something and flying straight at Pantsir lobbing mavericks or HAMMERs is untouchable. Literally every plane that knows how to use its airframe can play with Pantsir since I know the game from both sides! And you dont even get anyy points fo shooting HAMMERS and AGMs down so most of the time you are doing Sisyphus´ job anyway and perhaps get lucky that the plane guy messes up and you get a shot at him
Basically forcing CAS to actually think while flying and not just get 6 free kills because reasons is the fault of Pantsir somehow…
All the pantsir cope is making me sick
The Pantsir isn’t imbalanced, its the perfect tool against CAS. Other nations not having an equivalent is imbalanced
I wouldn’t mind it, at least it would help to avoid some wallet warriors on my team lol