the m48 is very inefficient in its BR, my proposal is to move the m48a1a 7.0 since its cannon does not have quite good ammunition like the tanks it faces and apart from that it does not have a stabilizer
It’s really not a bad tank, the problem is that the HEAT-FS does less damage than it should and the APCR needs a complete correction, both in penetration and damage.
The M48 is underperforming for quite some time because Gaijin gave it a way too slow RoF.
The whole ideology behind US tanks is to have a fast RoF.
The same could be said about the M60 or Leopard, which somehow reload their bigger guns faster than the M48s 90mm.
Then there’s the Cent Mk 3, which also reloads its similiar powerfull 20pdr faster than the M48s 90mm.
The APCR would have the similiar penetration at close range as the 20pdr APDS, so the main difference would be that the Cent Mk 3 has a stabilizer while the M48 has a rangefinder.
Yup. I remember that interview with the Abrams crewmember Gaijin did where IIRC he said 5.5s was the expected standard for a loader, and that’s with the big old 120mm shells they use. Pattons could get down to about 4 seconds with a well-trained loader.
There is also a doubt that I have been dragging around for quite a while. Is it possible that the M48’s suspension was much better in reality than in the game? I say this because I still find it very strange that there are many tanks that do not have a stabilizer, and although in a certain way it is due to the doctrine with which they were created, it must also be taken into account that the stabilizers of that time were not very good either, so adding this good suspension to the tanks that absorbs impacts and braking could make not having a stabilizer not so serious.
Besides, it seems to me that Gaijin uses the rebound of the suspension as another method of balancing, since the M18 rocks much more than when it was added to the game.
Aside from the fact that the first-rate ammunition basket in front of the loader seems to be the most optimal position for reloading a gun, which would give it a fairly fast reload time.
By the way, something realistic and interesting that gaijin could do is that tanks with manual loaders would get tired, that after 6 or 7 shots in a row the reload time would go down a bit, and so on, and that it would recover after a minute without reloading.