The M1 abrams line is fucked in the respect of armor

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Unfortunately America suffers from bad players, not bad vehicles.


It suffers from both.
Comparatively to the top 3 nations in GRB.


I won’t lie that the M1A2s are worse than the Leo2a7v and the T-80BVM but the M1s are not a bad tank. It’s just worse than the top 3 but still competitive in top tier.

It won’t matter what armour thickness you give it because the biggest easiest weakspot is additionally a shot trap due to game physics and the tanks armour design. The Abram’s is the only Mbt where the turret ring is exposed and no amoi t of armour or additional armour packs will fix it.

It does not.

Steel Beasts is not accurate, their estimations are just that: estimations.
They’re very old (perhaps around 20-25 years old by now?) and dated estimations with flawed reasoning behind the values presented.

It’s also not a valid source in the same way that War Thunder is not a valid source.

And here’s a qoute from the lead developer of Steel Beasts in relation to using classified information in the sim (such as accurate armour protection):

‘’[…] We try to not get into that sphere, because as soon as you have one piece of classified information in your code, the entire code gets classified and you can’t do anything with it any more.‘’

‘‘So no, we definitely do not wish our customer tell us their secrets’’

‘‘I know a guy that knows a guy who’s cousin works at GLDS and he says…’’

Commanders and mechanics also have no idea what the true performance of the armour is, nor are they required to know such data.
I’ve listened to countless interviews with crewmen of all kinds, including M1’s, and not a single one has stated they were ever informed about the effectiveness of the armour protection.

If you believe the armour is incorrectly implemented, please feel free to present sources that prove your case.

America also suffers because of extremely poor players swarming high tiers, not because their M1 variants are any weaker than the average opponent.


Yes, everyone suffers from Swedish, German and Italian leo 2a7.


It tells You the whole story.

surely they perform better in tanks they claim are better, yes? (probably not)

I’ve heard them say a few things:

“I can hodl W and bounce shots like crazy”

“I take less effort to do better in them”

“The reason you don’t find the said vehicle I claimed I played in my record is because I went to my fren house to play the T-90M, it was OP as f, invincible”

But they who said this always have the same KDR across all the vehicles they played, even the one they claimed OP almost always performed about the same with the one they claimed its weaker, different person but same pattern almost every time.


play challenger, you wont feel so bad but you will have better teammates

“There is no issue with ‘x’ just use ‘y’ or get better”

This is always the same pattern. That is why I love forum, I can check if the person discussing things is just straight up not lying about things.

The image below shows the realistic armor of the ZTZ99A against M829A4, I’ve asked a few friends in the army and some of them are commanders or on the mechanics team for the ZTZ99A and they have also said this was very realistic.

I think the armor severely needs to be adjusted and changed to be more realistic and more powerful because China suffers at 10.0+

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how would you know you only play us and premium vehicles

Bug report it with proper sources

How would I know, because I …
checks notes
Play other nations?