At least it has more armor, and the APCR is still usable if you can aim. I’ve played the rank 1 French vehicles myself.
More armor doesn’t make a difference. Its armor is functionally useless. Also, you can say the same thing for the T-26. You can aim it and just like the FCM, you need to be careful.
Well, no. But, okay.
We can agree to disagree. But the T-26 is far from the worst in the game and it’s subjective at best.
Low BRs are just as overcompressed as high BRs.
Machines like the I-Go Ko, Ro-Go, M2A2, French Reserves, and some others could easily be 0.0 BR.
The T-26 is still a lot better than:
- L3/33
- Csaba
- French tanks with 37mm APCR
- The Type 95 Ha-Go
- Ka-Mi
- The Sturmpanzer II
- Sd. Kfz. 221 firing APCNR
However, it is indeed one of the worst 1.0 vehicle.
I disagree. A lot of vehicles are easily capable vehicles when moving from 1.0 to 1.3 or 1.7.
That’s why compression generally should only exist at higher BR, where it’s not possible to move up vehicles.
90% of compression goes away by moving up vehicles. Then the issue only affects few vehicles at high BR.
The M2A2 is also a menance at 1.0. So many vehicles betwen 1.0-2.0 are vulnerable to .50cals and the gun is practically a auto-cannon, meaning it is able to destroy the vehicles it can destroy very fast and also destroy multiple vehicles very quickly.
In comparison the T-26s gun is practically overkill. You don’t need a 45mm just to be able to penetrate every vehicle that you might encounter when it means that you are also less likely to bring that gun on target.
Hence why a vehicles efficency is the sum of it’s parts.
Both T-26 and FCM. 36 are inherently bad vehicles because they focus on armor or penetration leaving them less effective when neither is necessary, compared to a more balanced vehicle that has less of both but also more mobility, which makes up for lack of armor and firepower at the same time.
Would take any of those over the T-26, to be honest.
This is exactly the opposite of a list of “OP”. It’s like, “tanks that are mediocre that have the potential to kill if you can kill with them”.
I think you haven’t read the post correctly 😏
The T-26 is also better (from my experience) than:
- H.35 (SA38) - It has a speed of 20Km/h and a gun with horrible post penetration damage
- Panzer III B - The worst Panzer III in game, has a speed of 35Km/h and T-26 level armour with 47mm penetration on the aphe shell
- Vickers Mk.E - A T-26 with a worse gun and a extra crew member
- M11/39 - It’s a casemate with 39mm of penetration on a similar chassis to the vickers Mk.E
In my opinion the T-26 is not the best, but also not the worst 1.0 tank there is.
It also pains me to say this but the T-26 is in fact better than the AMC. 34 YR, even though it’s much more fun to suffer in the AMC. 34 because killing tanks with 20-26mm of pen is just prizeless.
I absolutely read your post correctly. These aren’t “OP” vehicles. They don’t even meet the simplest definitions of it.
Aside from the FCM and H.35, most tank on that list are pretty playable compare to the T-26-4 which I’m assume he is talking about?
Where is my baby the Ha-Go goin
Staying at 1.0 :)
Not surprising lol I hated that thing. Cute tank but that gun is really underpowered.
The T-26-4 isn’t much difference from the T-26.
For a time I thought the L6/40 and T-26-4 are just super bad but after playing them I can say that they aren’t as bad as I thought.
For new players they might be but for an experienced player the T-26-4 isn’t really worse than the T-26.
The gun can penetrate almost any tank you can meet at 1.0 and the post-pen damage is obviously much higher.
You can also arc shells over hills and cover, giving it some extra utility over the regular T-26.
76mm HE is also quite handy to dispatch open top vehicles quickly, including practically any low tier SPAA.
It’s in the realm of 20mm AP but with better post-pen damage. Generally enough to destroy most Rank 1 vehicles.
Mobility is actually quite good (including reverse speed) and it also has amazing gun depression.
It just doesn’t have a chance against something like M2A4 wich is easily a 1.3 or 1.7 vehicle.
No clue why some are against putting vehicles at the BR they deserve :D
It’s obviously silly that a 1933 tank is as capable than a 1940s. With the BT-5 being the exception due to it’s amazing mobility for the time.