The Leopard Problem

Hello Everyone, I want to publicate my opinion on the matter of leopard 2a4 in Germany’s tech tree
The problem I see is the loneliness of Leopard 2a4 in Germany’s TT. The tank’s at BR 10.7 and if you are not willing to pay for a reskin of the tank that leaves you with no similiar battle rating MBT. You are forced to either use up your backup uses of the tank or play severly weaker tanks (Leopard 2K and either the T-72M1 or the Leopard 1A5) that do not stand any chance at the BR of Leopard 2A4. The other problem is the fact that even if you are willing to play a different class of vehicles, there is really nothing at BR 10.7, so you will allways suffer from the Leopard 2A4 inflating the BR.
At a much better place is the Sweden’s TT in which you have two leopards 2A4s availble for F2P players and one extra for $60 (and the third vehicle in case you dont want to pay is a reasonable vehicle: either strf 9040C or strf 9040 BILL, but it still suffer’s from BR inflation as these are at BR 10.3)
My opinion on the matter in that either leopards 2A4 should be lowered on 10.3 which is a very problematic placeholder proposition or an extra tank should be added to germany’s TT at 10.7.


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or just add this:

Leopard 2A4 Baulos 8


Leopard 2A4 (1991) - up to the task


I think they should just add some of the Leopard 2A0-A3s to fill the gap.


I made a thread similar to this The “Leopard Problem” of Top Tier Ground

Some of these tanks could be added that would fit at 10.3/7:
Leopard 1 a6
Leopard 1 with PT19 turret (which i think is basically a leopard 2av turret with autoloader on a 105mm to test for a future 140mm autoloader? needs more digging)

Panzer 68ET, upgraded version of the panzer 68 with add on armor, a 120mm and thermals.

Or just another Leopard 2, but to justify it would be the swiss the Panzer 87


kek [1]
kek [2]

working on this one lol

btw the leopard 2A4 Baulos 8 has increased armour and uses DM33 so its a perfect fit for 11.0

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