The Leopard 2A4 has better side protection against HEAT rounds than the Leopard 2A7V

A tank from 1977 has better HEAT protection then a tank from 2019


At least use the same type of ammo, bro


I typed that out, then realized it might not be worth it to point that out… People don’t like their flaws being pointed out on here 😂

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The hat is correct

Excuse me? 🤨

That is correct. (Wtf autocorrect)


Flaws being pointed out? I was just saying he wasn’t right, so I hope he could get over it.

Wtf are yall on about? First the DM12 and The DM12A1 is the exact same shell in the game, second under the extra protection The 2a7s "base armor is worse then the 2a4s.

Yeah no shit i will look like that if you put it at the extra protection. But the “base” armor is worse on the 2a7 for some reason

Check the files and you will be quiet

Bro, y so toxic tho? xD

If they are “exact same”, then why would there be a difference? Also, they are NOT exactly the same, there is a slight difference in speed :)

“Check the files” Well, why wont u give us the files if you’re able to check them and compare the data? The question is why would you send just the screenshots without any documentation if you know about them?

Also checking on the armor ingame, it’s literally the same both for A7 and A4 in the same spot - a 35mm sheet and a 15mm one. The fact that while pixelhunting it’s possible to have a pen from 77 to 600, it doesnt mean that the armor is worse, lmao. Depending on the place you would hit, determenines the final penetration. F.e. - you can hit it in the place where two plates connect and have like 76mm equivalent. Picture background

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"The shells have the exact same armor penetration values and explosive mass. And no, they have the exact same speed. The DM12 in the 2A4 has a speed of 1140 m/s, and the DM12A1 for the 2A5 also has a speed of 1140 m/s. The new L/55 gun used in the 2A6 and later models has increased pressure, so it’s faster. It’s the gun, not the shell. And the penetration is the same because range does not affect HEAT :) Also, the armor should not be the same in the first place because the 2A4 uses C-tech armor, while the 2A7 uses D-tech armor :) Corny gif


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Also the fact that it’s affected by the gun, the shell itself can’t have a velocity without one. The A1 you were testing had a 50m/s higher speed :)

And as I’ve said before, the armor is the same in game. The range of equivalent is the same in the area you’ve shown. Pixelhunting is not the choice.

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Oh lmao

Velocity has 0 effect on HEAT penetration XD

Velocity only reduces TtT for HEAT jet munitions.

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You are just saying what i said? And Velocity on heat shells does not matter. You should know that if you are some what educated. “the shell itself can’t have a velocity without one.” wth are you on about? You cant read can you? The new L/55 and L/55A1 gun increased the pressure so it got higher velocity. It does not affect armor penetration dude

ikr, i just wanted to troll this toxic guy a lil bit, just was saying that there are different velocity stats on different guns that he was using to test the HEATFS.

And why does that matter?