The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

We have a source for spall lining using Teflon, fiber glass and carbon fibers. We asked around and we were told it’s sufficient. Bossman should make a report soonTM (before end of dev server)


That’s good to hear. I’ve been trying to do my part for searching for references, I’m not as well versed in reporting so I’ll leave it for you.
I figured the more data available, the better the final result will be. So I looked for a possible spall liner that’s used, reference on the Leclercs protection, and a report on the Leclerc from combat.

Did you guys manage to find something like a primary source or a secondary that directly references the splinter protection on the Leclerc?

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We have 1 Russian source (always the Russian sources to save the day lol) that is considered as reliable that mentions the spall liner itself, plus, as you said, the fact that the Leclerc is a recent tank, focused on crew survivability


At which br. the Leclerc is gonna be this update (compared to the new rank VIII tanks)?

It’s going to rank VIII, so I guess at the same BR as everything else. Would not matter either way, as top tier vacuums everything that is not 1 br under it (12.3 being the current “actual” top tier as many people have 12.3 aircrafts)

So basically, they added tanks to the nations which already had the best ones and now Leclerc is gonna be impossible to play…

Seems like it.

Are you able to highlight the part on the document that classes the Leclerc as a vehicle that can recover from multiple hits please?

Leclerc (All Variants) Missing Spall Liner


Pages 25-27.


While it’s not clearly stated which vehicles have spall liners, from the last picture showing both a Leclerc and a VBCI, next to the text mentioning “revêtement anti-eclats” (spall liners), we can expect both of them to be fitted with such a thing. @Bossman919 you could add it in your report I think

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I interpreted it as the people conducting and writing the study assumed they’d be doing so for a French audience in the defense sector. Where that part is more of a review, rather then a definitive list of capabilities for each vehicle.
Since it can be assumed they didn’t write it expecting to be nitpicked by Escargot, the Leclerc and VBCI being well known already to be meant to be survivable so they were put as the vehicles that encompassed all the layers of defense.

So I got an official brochure from (the manufacturer) stating that the Leclerc can “fire the next shot in less than 6s”. However, I need additional sources to corroborate this and make a bug report.
If you have any, I’d really appreciate if you could post them!

The reload rate is known to be ~5s to the developers, however the reload rate is a balancing decision and in the end it is not up for us to decide nor can we do much about it.

This is not limited to just the Leclerc and basically all tanks in the game are subject or is subject to a longer than usual reload (Examples such as the Type 10 which is capable of ~3 seconds).

The 6s reload is due to (of my personal opinion and speculation) the Leclerc having a higher performance from the players using it and from that, the statistic’s (that are only available to Gaijin) indicate to the Leclerc performing as good (if not better) than other MBT’s of similar rank and BR for other nations in War Thunder.


We’re getting to the point where any vehicle can be given to the dedicated French player base and we’ll get it stuck in statistics hell.

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Welp, at this point I’d expect the French players to still do as good in the next update and the Leclerc will receieve a 8s reload and only access to OF 120 G1.

Probably a nerf to a 1000hp engine on top of that…

Agree with you bro

I know it’s mostly a balance decision, but since this thread is about buffing the Leclerc we should explore any avenue possible. And since we have one undisputable source to back it up, we might as well get another one and I’ll make a bug report. It might get shot down, but we have nothing to lose at this point.

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Yep, with the new MBT’s that are coming and France having nothing new for ground (For top tier), I believe the need for the faster reload is even more nescessary as now these new MBT’s (coming with spall liners) will require more hits to take out and the faster reload will be the key to that, on top of improvements to its own armour and survivability.

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