The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

I hope gaijin didn’t use this kind of statistics to buff or nerf the leclerc… because otherwise it’s bullsh**…

I played against him today.

Name of the player " 不利于孤儿吹苏的话不要说 "

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Pretty sus

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They always do use stats. My guess is that with the implementation of spall liners to other nations + x2 new Leopard 2s and a STRV-122 sank the Leclercs’ winrate. Hence why we (finally) got the reload buff


Weakest France Top Tier player


its a 1 to 6 kdr, its not that unbelievable

The Leclerc really need the OFL F2, it wouldnt even be the strongest shell since it sits at around 640mm of RHA at 2000m, while the 152 APFSDS of the object 292 sits at 642 at that distance, it would be a very strong shell but it would kinda balance the leclerc even if it will still be in need of its real armour

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people here have calculated that OFL F2 would actually be slightly worse in pen

We don’t need new ammo, only armor and better mobility.

Those are VERY good stats, most people are not even at a 2KD. 3KD is already great for a plaayer that pays alone.

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@WaretaGarasu Any news about that armor bug report ?

Will come surely in this month, thats all i can say


Flavour, basically :)

Those blocks are storage boxes for the crew and tank maintenance. Maybe these can be armoured, but i have no idea about it.


Im suprised i havent come across an image actualky showing that open. I spent a good while trying to find out whay those are.

But since nobody ever talks about it i always just figured it was extra armor like on the Leo 2

Main use is for storage. We don’t have data for some armored blocks.

Before to add that, Gaijin should already fix main turret armor like titanium plates and real composite layers thickness.

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from what i heard the SXXI actually improved the composite material with in it, but instead, Gaijin just gave it the exact same armor values as the previous variants, give it a thicker composite block under the gunners sight and called it an upgrade

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Sadly “improved” can mean anything in a general sense when talking about tank protection. It could have been “improved” in numerous ways that dont directly provide better protection values. Cheaper/simpler to manufacture, more lightweight with the same protection, better durability after successive hits or actual increases in protection. Any of these and more are possible and fall under “improved” material.

It’s for this reason that statements of “improved” amour without any context or estimated values to base it off, the developers sadly can’t make any changes with materials or sources that claim that.


To give off an except of how it looks like on some places this can be used as a reference @DemoNik8770



This is another example of the Composite Armor for the Leclerc S1:


This differences can be seen of course even in real life.

Leclerc S1:



Leclerc S2: You can see slight differences in the armor for gunner and commander



Ultimately, Leclerc S21, which is even more different,



There were of course improvement as you can see here, but it is hard to quantify in KE/CE how much that would equate, saying “Improved” and calling it a day sadly is not an option as @Smin1080p said, hence why the reason the report about the armor is taking its time, because its necessary to prove this improvements.


Judging new images your armor report will be quite detailed looks like.


Not everything is ironed out, but we could expect some armor report to come soon TM.