The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

There should be noted that Game Development is significantly planned ahead of time. And it is like that to fit to a certain set of goals that achieve at least one of the following: 1) visual stimulation for a retention of player interest, 2) expansion of the game content to retain player interest, 3) diversified gameplay to retain player interest, 4) enhanced goals to retain player interest.

The thing is - and this goes both ways. These roadmaps often go one, even two years ahead into the future. And while Game Development is very agile, the process of creating complex systems like supersonic aerodynamic simulations (even if simplified a lot) to work reliably is very time consuming. This is why you won’t alter your plan as much unless there’s extremely critical indications that you are doing something very wrong.

Player retention is arguably one of the primary sources you need for a multiplayer game. Perhaps even the primary source. Money comes right after, because servers and developers are expensive. But the French TT community in WT isn’t that large, which comes from a lack of content and a very punishing tech tree, this in return means that player retention of other tech trees is of arguably higher interest because it can achieve more for the same effort. That is not to say that the French TT community is of less importance or should be, but to understand that a French onslaught of vehicle additions is unlikely. Especially since the practice changed from "nation A, C and F get a lot, while nation X get’s actually nothing this patch "to “every nation gets at least one vehicle”.

Now personally, I’d be all for an armada of French vehicles coming. Call it the french revolution for extra laughter. Because it can generate a lot of interest for the French TT. This comes with a big caviet though, and that is the BR placement of the machines. A lot of the vehicles are massively overtiered, making them extremely punishing to play and really… why would you stick to a TT you get so severely punished when you can play a sherman or a Tiger an clap everybody, because you can pen them through the front? French vehicles can be extremely enjoyable for players, as WoT actually shows, but it is the game around them that determines that. And when you fight T-54AM-1s in your Bat’Chat, it just isn’t fun (the challenge can be, but it will be a brief duration that makes it enjoyable). It requires you to put in extreme effort everytime, because you operate in an extremely small range of optimal conditions for a kill. To stay in that range means everything and it takes extreme amounts of focus to do so. That makes vehicles like this so exhausting and very forgiving machines, like a relict plated T-90M or a Leopard 2A5+ so chill to play. They don’t require you to be in a state of hyperfocus to ensure you can achieve kills and mitigate the weaknesses of your vehicle. And as a player you have to become that good first and then have to sustain this focus for the time you play. And that is stressfull and requires a lot of your mental power, which will reduce over time.

Perhaps there’s a beatiful opportunity to wonder about normalized stat adjustments, experimenting with the system and how good players can influence a vehicle when they are 10-20% better than the average joe and make up 50% or more of the players that use the vehicle.

I’d love a sort of “housekeeping effort” to arise to look at tech trees (or gaps in tech trees) with little player bases or interest. Of course I think of the french one in particular. The idea was to create a program to flesh out said tech tree specifically before moving to the next, bolstering weak areas like the french light tank line or gaps in the TDs (these are mostly at high tier).

Obviously we can help with all of this by feeding resources into the system to create new vehicles. Smin mentioned the amount of players we are and that we outnumber the development team in manpower (and very likely in focus too, because we have such specific interests). So let’s use our ability and power to aid!


FYI, the link doesn’t work, but i think i know about which document you are talking about and it was made by @Bossman919.

Whilst I have no idea who @Bossman919 is (I heard the devs didn’t like a few of his jokes and he got a month-long ban), I will just say:

  1. Whilst that document is generally correct, it also has some flaws. The whole thing was pretty rushed in retrospect since we were trying to get it pushed out around the time of a major update. There is more info available now and perhaps the biggest issue is that the Leclerc’s armour model isn’t really correct in the first place.

  2. It was never forwarded to the devs so they have never seen it, or the sources that were used. Furthermore, I can guarantee that the devs do not have a fraction of the info we have gathered over the last 3 months (despite having many more resources available to them, mind you).

    When there’s talk of “investigations and searches for new materials” as Smin said, for the Leclerc this just doesn’t exist. One thing that has become extremely apparent is that for the most part, everything on the Leclerc has half-assedly being made up and I highly doubt the devs have even looked at a single manufacturer brochure. Whether it be how it used to have a vertical traverse speed of 36°/sec (which I am still yet to find a single source for) or how the Leclerc’s armour is complete fiction and is not really based on the Swedish or UK trials.

    Specifically in the latter regard, the UK trials found the Leclerc prototype armour met the requirements of being able to withstand 800 CE - and yet, the Leclerc can for the most part be penetrated by a MILAN in-game even though it is often described as being invulnerable to such a threat.

In any case, bug reports for the Leclerc’s armour will eventually come. The main issue that’s trying to be resolved right now is accurately modelling the armour. So it’s probably for the best that document didn’t get forwarded to the devs.

The issue is that the devs just don’t care about France. Frankly, I find it embarrasing on the dev’s part that:

When it’s just changing a ‘6’ to a ‘5’ in a line of code and way more research than should be needed has all been done for them. Really, the current focus should be why the Leclerc is being out-accelerated by tanks 10t heavier than it, why it has the most incorrectly modelled mobility in the game. I don’t expect the devs to work on armour since by now I just think they’re incapable of making any meaningful changes in that department. But I don’t think there is any vehicle in-game that has it’s top speed off by 19 km/h or its engine taking three times as long to reach full power than it should be.

Additionally, if the devs really cared about France getting light tanks, they could probably add the AMX 10RC TML105 within the next few days. It would just be marrying an AMX 10RC chassis to a CV90 TML105 turret (both of which are already in the game files), make some slight visual changes to the model and call it ‘AMX-10RC TML105’.

Nevermind, how we’ve been waiting for almost 2 years to receive a DF105 equivalent we were told we were going to receive. It really doesn’t take that long to look for one:


AMX 10 PAC 90

Or what about how this update seems to be about giving out French tech to anyone but France? The AH-1Z is getting HMS (probably because the lobotomised Americans cried enough) even though its a French product that was first used by France. Similarly, the UK gets AS.12s before France and they get Magic 2s on a Jaguar before France.

Alpha Strike update in a nutshell


At this point, to fix all the inaccuracies and to flesh out French ground would warrant its own major update.


France is basically in the same position as Italy afew patches ago with huge BR gaps especially in AA and only afew top mbts that are underperforming. Hopefully they get some kinda sub tree to help with that but they do actually have enough of their own to fill it out better.


Hi Smin,
What about Leclerc LWS and Thermals? These are “standard” vehicle parameters and should not be a “balance consideration.” Thermal proof has already been provides aswell with LWS, the LWS is even physically modeled already ingame on anything but the S1.


Just to correct that LWS is physically modelled on the AZUR, not the S2 and S21. It’s the small pole that extends in the front right of the roof


Update imminent, I pray to Gaijin for 5s reload and we will not eat snails for a month if we are blessed



Then i think you will be very happy tomorrow :)


I didnt see it in Gzabi’s datamines if thats where its been confirmed, unless they said so on the bug forums.

Just curious where u got the info from

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well find out in two hours

Why don’t you fix Leclerc’s mobility? You have acknowledged this report. The repair of mobility is more important than firing rate and new shells!
ALL these things are bug, instead of BUFF. Leclerc is too weakkkkkk!!!

smin told himself they was looking about that for this update

so if there isnt the 5s reload, it’s that in their opinion the 1000 secondary sources and some main sources wasn’t enough

smin already said the devs are focused on looking at the reload right now doesnt mean it wont be changed soon though

Reload is a simple matter of changing a few digits. And the only “investigation” they were ever doing was trying to find a source to rebuke the bug report. It’s comical it took as long as it did.

Mobility is the biggest issue and is one of few few things that would actually require any effort. It’d be nice if they focused on that instead of holding out for 3 months in the face of insurmountable evidence.


And to confirm what @Manboss191 said those literally are 2 lines of code for all the Leclercs combined


Ohh i see, I was looking at the individual tanks and not the gun itself.


I mean we are the definition of THE minority in warthunder not shocked we see so few useful changes but I will still huff that fat hopium

Where update ? I want to see my 5s reload Leclerc :(

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Also Community Bug Reporting System
reload confirmed

edit link fixed



This actually makes me happy

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