I will let you know
According to the manufacturer, the Galix for combat vehicles includes Laser Warning Sensors.
The article states that it has already been “installed” on the Main Battle Tanks.
Once again, it was revealed that combat vehicles include Laser Warning Sensors.
Leclerc need LWS
I made other bug reports on other vehicles that i’ve been using GALIX, lets see how those goes though and lets hope they decide to add it to the Leclerc as well.
Also finded a pic about the mounting for the LWS on leclercs:
This is an S3 im pretty sure, but it can be fitted on every one of them because the mounting are pretty much the same.
The Leclerc XLR should use a different system but we don’t have that in game for now.
Those are the issue link if someone want to take a look or have some suggestions.
Yeah its really not hard to find photos of it surprised this wasn’t realized sooner.
This seems to be a Leclerc S3. can you help me find some photos for the S1 and S2? I know the mounting are the same obviously because the front cheeks didn’t got any particular modifications but it would be great as an additional proof all Leclercs supported it.
for the most part i have only found s3 but here is a more top down view
Ok, im going to look for some other photoes later but i think the one i sent earlier should be enough
But on a slightly different note, do you know what this is.
It should be a sensor for wind and temperature for the FCS, i may be wrong tho.
i think that is LWS sensor
Perhaps the first version of the LWS?
No, Leclerc S1,S2 and S3 use the LWS sensor on the place where i sent the photo. XLR is specifically not there but on a bit different spot still on the turret
Pretty sure those aren’t LWS for combat scenario but just for training to know when you get “shot”. You can see on all pictures that it has the orange training light near the gunner’s hatch and a laser module near the MG’s gunn port.
I’m pretty sure the Leclerc in French service don’t have LWR, so I think that’s a dead end.
This however
Most definitely looks like one:
You can see the “mirror” spread on all side of the receiver. The wind and pressure sensors is at the rear of the turret.
There’s definitely good argument for the presence of a LWR for the Leclerc AZUR at least
You highlighed the wrong this in fact, those are the lws:
Not the orange thing highlighting on phone is difficult xd
The probe you are looking for its probably used for metereological value and adjustment for the fcs since its the pretty much the same you can find on the ariete amv.
In fact even strv122 equiped with galix can use a lws but same as the leclercs it seems to be optional
We can not be sure about the fact it does have LWS or not but the two sensor i sent seems the most probable thing, because the antenna most probably than not isn’t since it doesn’t seem at all a laser warning sensor and if you look at lws system for example on merkavas its almost the same as i highlighed, unless we can find some source about it. As i know the xlr equip the lws almost on the same position as the one i highlighed for you.
AFAIK Leclerc Galix system can also launch directional smoke to disrupt incoming laser guided missiles.
New reply.
It shouldn’t be hard to find, since galix is used in every leclerc as of right now but if one of you guys can help me find a specific part that states it i think it would be better