The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Strike a blow at gaijin hq’s bug department with your sword of truth

Every day I come to “The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff” with the hope of seeing this report come out.
Much respect to @Mulatu_Astatke


While thats somewhat true you will still pay a higher sp cost for every mbt spawn after the first one since u dont have any other means (except spaa) to get a second chance to regain footing in the match by spawning a cheap light tank. And being hit but still surviving, well, while u gotta be lucky with that and still having the same reload it will still hamper your other stats like turret rotation. And having 4 mbts which (i know cause it happened to me) can get penned frontally with crew shot out by a fking shilkas 23 mm ap shells with 50 mm flat pen doesnt help. One would think that wouldnt happen to the worlds most expensive mbt but who am i to know? im not in the military and sure as hell never will be.

My point being is that it’s actually baffling how it seems like a main nation is struggling in top tier it feels like bam a couple of weeks or a month later theres a buff out of nowhere that they actually didn’t need in the first place. Like the abrams problem: actually awesome tank but with some exploitable weakspots with now: one of the best rounds in top tier, ufp that will bounce top tier apfsds, proxy fuze heat fs which helps vs heli rushers and the occasional (slow) plane, tons of 50 cals and 5 seconds reload. And then the leclercs: same reload, autoloader, basically no armor (frontal pen by shilka wtf?), one of the worst rounds in top tier while better ones are in service. Yeah i can see why not more ppl are playing minor nations and why ppl maybe grinding those as first or second nation are a bit disillusionised about the way this is handled. (while closing in at 4000 posts on this with not to many changes afaik)


i mean does it still hold true that the first two leclers which are 11.7 you still have to research apfsds with heat-fs?

Yes because it’s a rank thing, and not a BR thing. It’s fairly daft but that can’t be helped since France is the only country with a whacky 2 full BR gap between 9.7 to 11.7. Having the Roland standing as the sole TVII of the tree would be fairly funny granted, but Gaijin is not much for fun these days.
Likewise, the VEXTRA, Centauro ROMOR, rkw90, and Type 16 are all 9.7s with close enough characteristics to one another, yet the VEXTRA and ROMOR don’t get a thermal drone while the other two do because they are TVII instead of TVI.
It’s on of those things that is what it is…

No change BR, No Leclerc’s buff GG


And no excuses

if we try to prove that Leclerc is Russian could this help the bug reports???

(irony to the power of 1000)


Personally, the Leclerc is my favorite (and most played) top tier MBT simply because it combines being unique (being able to shoot over the engine deck, coaxial .50, unique design, autoloader with blowout panels) with being meta (very fast, 5s reload, great targeting speed and thermal suite).

Overall it’s a blast to play and I hope to see it get fixed.


Hello @Smin1080p_WT , could you please provide a response? It is rather frustrating to see the M1A1 HC at a lower BR to the Leclerc S1, S2 and AZUR despite being a better tank in virtually every regard.



At the moment the efficiency of the Leclercs do not allow them to be lower than the top BR as they are far from being the worst preforming top MBTs in game currently.

We may review this in the future should their situation change.

Could you be able to please recommend a lobotomist for all us French mains so we could try to lower the efficiency of the Leclercs? Seems to have worked for the American mains… (I’m joking)

But this is a very disappointing answer to be honest. It’s not like having the S1, S2 and AZUR at 11.7 would have any real effects. Could you provide any insight into how the devs plan to rectify the now 2.3 BR gap for France between 9.7-12.0?


Future vehicles are planned to occupy and populate these gaps.

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Probably some copy pasted Leopard 2s which no one wants?

Inb4 Japan gets more French tanks this year than France through an ASEAN subtree xD


So we’re back to square one…

For the love of god, stop balancing vehicles through player stats and instead balance vehicles through their features.

Also, if they can’t get any lower then give the Leclerc and Leclerc S2 stock APFDS. Stock HEAT at 12.0 is insanity.

This will never happen, because USA/Germany/Russia will always bring more players than other nations, and because they’re more popular it also means that they’ll also have more average and bad players dragging stats down even with better vehicles, while other nations will have more dedicated players keeping averages up.
It’s completely unfair to punish players of minor nations for having a higher skill floor.

Like, there’s no objective arguments for the Ariete being as good as the Leopard 2A7, yet your way of balancing is claiming that they are. This alone should cause you to reconsider your approach to balancing.


Don’t forget a pallet of CV90whatever because somehow the majority of French light tanks got Thanos snapped.


Just deal with it, or quit playing, you guys are in a loop. France sucks (in WT, no offense); you guys get better; no body new comes to play France, 2 reasons, no premium + it sucks; only old players means no premium spam to pull down winrate; higher win rate; gaijing doesn’t want to do anything about it, 2 reasons: cause it seems like you are doing fine, and no new players are paying for French premiums. Maybe a lot of you quit playing will pull down win rate and force them to do something.

You’re probably the reason there’s always a chair facing the bed in a hotel room.


Sorry I didn’t mean it like that. Although stop playing would lower win rate, that would force Gaijing to open their eyes and see the situation. The Chinese players took a few days off and we got ZTZ99A fixed, maybe you could do the same.


I guess it’s cool that we’ll get new tanks in the tree (even when supposedly its mostly leos and shermans), yet it’s odd that in-service domestic designs like the ERC 90 and EBRC Jaguar might get added after them. I wonder if we’ll get Leos 2A8 through Netherlands if/when they’re added xd