The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

3 years, and after that somehow it will be worse (Im looking at you, Cr2)

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I’m the last of my line.

Unless some lady grants me that honor.

Maybe I should do a sperm bank.

I’m sure there’s a Netflix documentary about a guy with 1000 kids after setting up a questionable donation site lol

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There’s two.

The other guy somehow did so without even a license. Don’t ask me why, TikTok is like that on information.

New business venture lmao

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The EBRC Jaguar has been passed to the devs, along with the AM39 Exocet missile


Can’t wait to see the Jaguar arrive in 10 years even though I’ve done all the research for the devs. Even then they won’t bother to add any of the cool electronics which sets it apart from everything else.


Considering how bad the Vextra 105 was gimped I don’t have much hope for the Jaguar to actually be good.

They’ll put it at 11.7 just to spite us, but it will function as a wheeled KF41

Maybe the devs can read?

All the source material was attached to the suggestion specifically for this reason though.


You’re forgetting the most important thing


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Meanwhile the French:


There is no reason why this tank can’t get a new projectile except for the dumb whim of the developers.
And I still don’t understand why the Leclerc doesn’t have a 3rd generation thermal imager.


Just as a reminder, this kind of bug report does seem insufficient for the devs
Meanwhile Russian vehicles get buffed because Ivan said the t90m is missing 14000mm of protection so that must be true

What are you talking about? its clearly marked as “acknowledged” and “forwarded”

I’m talking about the first report about IRIS being 7 months old. This one being 2 months old, and still not being fixed, when it’s literally one line of code.
From my knowledge internally gaijin just does not believe or bother trying to read the report.
Being acknowledged and forwarded simply means that a moderator (here the Wareta MVP) was the one to forward the report (which makes sense since he is the one to have made the first report 7 months ago), but not that the devs actually bother doing anything about it.

Meanwhile Russian thermals have been constantly buffed with no reasons being told to us, for the most obscur reasons. Most Russian thermals in game are 1 generation above what they should be IRL compared to other vehicles because devs tried all they can to get them as best as they could using some obscure reasoning

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The topic is closed, so the developers rejected it.

they only closed the comments tho?

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I don’t say this lightly but the devs genuinely have a hatred exclusively for the Leclerc - more than any other French tank.

Can’t even get the coax MG fixed even after supplying primary sources and diagrams from GIAT showing the ammo stowage. But when I report almost the exact same issue with the AML 90, well then it only takes a few days to get fixed.

Leclercs can’t even get their HE shells which were in service. And the Leclerc has a really cool HE shell which would have a 0% chance of ricochet at 88.5° which would mean you could probably kill Abrams by shooting the UFP with HE. Perhaps not the most effective method, but still…



Its not even exclusive to the Leclercs and not getting HE.

Seems like Gaijin is allergic to giving HE to non-russian tank that should have HE.