The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

9.7 is just not a good br, you rarely get down tiers consider the amount of players in 10.3. So yeah there you go, I played a few matches to stock grind amx32/40, and it was not fun. l2a4 is basically better than you in any aspect, and your pen is weak against all the T72/80 ud.

Didn’t one of the mods say that OFL F2 was coming??

It was acknowledge. We don’t have a definite answer to why we finally got F1 instead of F2. My guess would revolve around them not being able to figure some stuff out for the F2, and instead slapping the existing F1, when the closest analogue to the F2 would have just been the G2, with slightly less pen than F2 but not nearly has bad, as far as I am aware.
Instead, we have the F1, with 380mm of pen, which is actually over performing since the muzzle velocity is to high by 25m/s IIRC.

Britain and France united in suffering


I’d say its a three way tie between France, Britain, and Israel


Thought this would interest everyone here

It’s basically a slightly upgraded S1, but because Jordan has received it, in typical fashion they’re likely to give it further upgrades in the future


Vextra got a pretty rubbish round and a pretty rubbish reload. Don’t really know what is expected to be done against Russia with this thing given there’s a premium with kontakt.

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Gaijin chose to give F1 shell to vextra. Will F1 dart get higher muzzle velocity from G2 cannon mounted on vextra? Then penetration will be higher than 361mm

It should only have a muzzle velocity of 1500m/s from the Vextra. Had the devs actually read my bug report they would’ve realised this… So it should be ~350mm penetration.

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so even a nerf…
I believe developers intentionally choose a weak dart to keep it at 9.7, however 361(or even 350mm) is some-kind too low.
Is there any m833 level comparable dart could be suggest? Or even just suggest 105 DM33 fired from G2 cannon( if it technically could fire)

By the way, Gaijin added helmet-mounted sights to the three French Tiger helicopters in this recent update. However, I still can’t use the helmet-mounted sights to guide Mistral missiles. Do you have any information to submit an issue regarding this matter?

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France has OFL 105 G2 and OFL 105 F2 which respectively achieve 465mm and 488mm penetration a point blank when fired from CN 105 G2. No reason not to add it…


Helicopters/ aircraft fall outside of my purview. I only focus on ground vehicles. You would be better off directing your question to either DirectSupport or totolescargo. I believe there is a Eurocopter thread somewhere on this forum.

I will just say that it’s frustrating funny that the American Apaches were using the same TopOwl HMSD months before the Eurocopters finally received it. Despite being a French technology that was in French service long before the Americans ever used it.


So Gaijin think other nations light tank can shoot OP shells, but if French Vextra do it it could be to strong ?
Please Gaijin, stop …


Sprut-SDM1 with 3BM60 at 10.0 should be an honourable mention :P


So other nations can get much better rounds at similiar Br’s but for some reason France cant.

@Smin1080p is there any reason why F2 round has been removed from Vextra 105? It suppose to have it with correct penetration on live server.


This is not surprising; it is a very typical attitude of Gaijin towards French vehicles. Since the Abrams is an American vehicle, Gaijin will actively seek out and fully accept evidence to accelerate the Abrams’ reload time to 5 seconds, while completely ignoring ample evidence to enhance the Leclerc.


Im just hoping a dev screwed up

They messed many things with new uptade, hopefully this is just a mistake.

Like how they forgot to add AGM-65G’s to Swedish JAS39C.

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Its not a mistake, Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Changelog - #402

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