The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

Anything new come from the study on armor protection?

OFL F1 is 575 at like 3km…

That’s what he said.

Yes sorry my bad

Looked like they were talking 100 meters from the way things were phrased.

I think I found my error.

That muzzle velocity might be for the German l44 52 (as the brochure is in English, it might be for other potential clients like the Ariete). The French 120mm usually has a higher velocity than them. And I I recall the DM43 (which is the German named OFL120F1) had that 1720m/s velocity, while the OFL is faster. Don’t quote me on that, but you could check in game quickly to see if I am wrong

Well actually dm43 in game is too slow, should be 1740 m/s. It’s mass is too great as well, because it’s copy and pasted 4.3 kg from dm33, just like ofl 120 f1 weight was still c&p from g1 until last update

Muzzle velocity: 1,720m/s (52cal.)

Last I checked, the L/44 is not a 52 cal, it’s a 44 cal (literally the name tells you that), so I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.

German DM43 should have a velocity of 1740m/s. That’s been reported a few days ago.

Screenshot 2023-12-17 164948

40 degrees per second!
Thats one small step for the French.


The Swedish trials or the UAE? If you are asking about the UAE, no new information as of yet.

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Changes about the Gun Handling are live!


Oh my god that’s so nice can’t wait to test it woooooooo

Small buff for the leclerc’s, very nice to see. 1 down 3689689 problems to go.

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It’s a start, but as you say, there are a lot of things we need to improve


Updated report with Gear Ratios and some clarifications: Leclerc MBTs acceleration & turning rate are too low // // Issues


That’ll be a nice change.

i think this will be the best change we can see tbh since armor was denied and well i think mobility will play the biggest role for the Leclerc since almost all of the new mbts are relatively slow

Well hopefully a 5 second reload, better mobility and better gun handling will make it a flank and spank machine!

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Even if we don’t get armor improvements, at least it should be a tank that excels at hitting and running.

Similar to Type 10, except it gets a tad slower reload in exchange for better gun handling.