The Leclerc is in dire need of a buff

All nato tanks have it at some degree

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gAMe BAlANce


It’s not limited to the OFLF1, even DM53 can’t do shit:

But the russian mains assured us that the T-90M wasn’t really going to be any better than the T-72B3, surely they wouldn’t lie to us would they? /S

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Take in mind that armor is bugged on everything, included 2A4’s

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Apparently, the seem to be working on adding anti spall to other vehicles. I think we can somewhat expect 40mm antispall armor for all MBTs that have them.
A bit annoying that they only start implementing this kind of stuff when Russian vehicles have them, but hey, better later than never

I don’t have access to the dev server so I’ll take your word for it, but I can’t help but notice that when the AZUR and PSO were added to the dev server they add paper armor (and in the case of the AZUR it didn’t really change), but when a new russian MBT is added its default state is “it’s nigh unkillable”.

Given all the example of Russian bias we have in this game, I just can’t see this as a coincidence.
The fact that they’re adding spall liners to the game only once there’s a russian tank that can benefit from it while plenty of NATO tank had them for years IRL but gaijing couldn’t be bothered to implement it in game is a blatant example of this.


Leclerc have spall liner? I’m really curious about this.

How is it possible that the Abrams UFP which is 38mm @ 80 degrees is 10 times more effective than the LeClerc UFP which is a composite armor block angled at 74 degrees? That’s only 6 degrees less but MUCH thicker.

Attached image isn’t fully accurate because the rear cube doesn’t actually encompass the entire UFP but still.


There are 2 reports coming soonTM that should address this issue, will keep you updated. That also has to do with the angle of the hull


I see. I would like to be updated.

Personally I do not play France and China is the only nation I really dabble in - but even I noticed that this seems extremely off. I hope the LeClerc gets buffed appropriately as it is a shame for it to be in its current state. (And for so very long). For such a pretty tank.

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There’s still time since we’re just getting into the dev season. But I wouldn’t hold your breath, after playing France long enough you always expect the bare minimum at best.


Rant On :

when a 50T tank side armor is stronger than most 60+T tanks frontal armor

I know it’s dev server, but let’s face it, some amount of BS will still be left once it goes live.
Meanwhile the NATO bug reports all get closed by you-know-who before even being seen by the devs

NGL it seems the balancing issues and bug reporting is better handled in the air department

Rant Off.


Leclerc ( All Variants ) wrong UFP angle // // Issues this is a big one if implemented.


do you know if leclercs have spall liner?

Just like every NATO tank from 90’s and go on, it should.

even the challenger 2 has some. It would be surprising that the Leclerc as the most modern western design after the type 10 did not have spall lining


Note that the Leclerc SSXI should have better armor on the front of the turret

Its already a know issue,
Leclerc SXXI incorrect composite armor // // Issues

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didn’t know, my bad, I was just ranting because the leclerc is one of the worst, if not THE worst mbt at 11.7