The Kfir Canard should get Python 3's or an all aspect IR guided missile

The Kfir Canard should get Python 3s or an all-aspect guided missile because it cannot really compete at 11.0 in Air-RB because the Aim-9G isn’t that good for the BR that it is at. And Israel should get a Top-Tier Premium because every other country has one or it should get a top-tier squadron vehicle.


yeah it really should have something like it most jets at the BR have a All Aspect IR Guided missile


The Kfir Gderot (aka whats ingame called as the canard) never had any Python 3’s, only Shafrir 2, Aim9D/G according to Yoyolasts old forum suggestion


Yes, but it was also the F-21 which did use Python 3s when America used it.

Could you show proof of that?

You sure about that? I’ve only turned up images with the ACMI pod which makes sense given it was an aggressor aircraft, it would have no need for live missiles;

Jamming pod, fuel and ACMI pod.


the problem is that it never (as far as im aware i am more than happy to be corrected) carried any missile better than AIM-9G

whether it needs a br change is debatable as yes it may be a bit weak for 11.0 currently but it (in my opinion ) would wipe the floor with everything else at 10.7

basically we just need more decompression in the higher echelons of air rb


This my proof.

That is not a good source, like, at all, show an actual image. Also, the F-21 didn’t even have a capable radar to guide the derby to begin with, and most weapons listed didn’t even exist back then.


No, it should not be moved up to 11.7 as your post desires.


this is the article you are referring too
it is not referring to F-21 directly just all kfir models including later ones


Still it should get moved down because it gets stomped on by other jets at 11.0

We don’t accept third party websites as source materials neither do we accept a Google summary.

Also whose saying it unplayable, I found it borderline OP;


it very much can rofl, literally one of the best premiums you can get.

i also find it borderline op, and AIM-9G’s are pretty good even for 11.0, good range and pretty decent flare resistance.

the F-21 was the american designation for the Kfir C.1 iirc, although the Kfir C.10/Block 60 can carry these, but last time i checked the Kfir Canard is a Kfir C.1.

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Yep take 2xAIM-9G and 2xVulcan, and just boom n zoom folk all day long.

I found it OP at first but when I tried to kills with it I just couldn’t, I kept dying.

i used to run the vulcans and just take headons, you can pull off much harder then most so it worked pretty well.

This is mine, and yea, I agree, it’s not bad

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