The J35XS is overBR'd

P l e a s e.

I do not want my Strv 81 facing 8.7 anymore, its honestly ridiculous given how bad the 20pdr is.

I am only iffy on this because then they could face 8.0s in AB- SRAAMs vs a J29A is not really fair.

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Yeah. Its tricky. Which is why I’d opt for buffing the SRAAMs to IRL levels rather than BR dropping the Hunter F6/Harrier Gr1

2km Range (up from the 800m-1km range currently), better rear-aspect angles (instead of all-aspect) and fixing the TVC so they worked within 400m of the target and they would be a lot better.

Though with the right deocmpress, the stuff that would get slapped by SRAAMs would be moved out of sight, even if they were a little lower

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Unfortunately Gaijin seems to be both unwilling to decompress and to nerf its blatantly overpowered premiums.

cough cough MiG-21S at 9.0

I hate that thing with every scrap of my soul

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yeah… one of the reasons many of my 8.0s are totally unspaded. Would rather spend my time ruining the day of Mig-23MLs in the Tornado F3 in Sim, than trying to fight something like the Mig-21 in a Javelin

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Ah, you spade in AB?

SB usually these days. but finding 8.0 lobbies in SB is quite hard sometimes, not many play it. So then Id play those aircraft in RB instead.

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Ah, okay.

(Thought you played AB for a moment :/)

Whats it like in sim, anyways? Ive always had somewhat of an interest in it, though I dont have a joystick (And I cant spot for shit) sooo…

Its good… but has flaws.

The big maps, constant PvE targets and no markers make aircraft like the Tornado actually viable aircraft.

the BR bracket system means you arent screwed over by the MM placing you in a full uptier 24/7. You know what you are facing before you hit play and it changes every 48 hours, so different aircraft become good throughout the week. Meaning DOA aircrat in RB, suddenly are very good again.

The problems…

Could do with more maps.

PvE objectives are limited and outdated

and the economy… is complicated, but put simply. You get SL & RP based upon your activity and gets paid out when you die (for the amount of time you were alive) or every 15 minutes.

If you get a load of kills then die, you will earn basically nothing or if you get more than about 2-3 kills every 15 minutes then getting more kills or doing more actions, rewards you nothing as the rewards are basically capped. There are big calls for an overhaul of the Sim economy. On paper it makes sense as its based around the idea of surviving and RTBing rather than fighting to the bitter end or being reckless but reality doesnt quite align with it.

With a HOTAS and a perticular enjoyment for aircraft like the Buc, Jag and Tornado. Its excellent, you can actually fly the aircraft the way it was meant to be flown and actually contribute meaningfully to the team. But it feels like its recieved no TLC in a few years and really needs basically an entire major update just to overhaul it (too often SB is just forgotten by the devs, took quite a bit of pestering to get answer as to how things like the new RP system (when originally announced) would work in SB)

HOTAS helps a lot, but Ive heard just a standard controller works well and if you master it, the virutal joystick is fine. Spotting things is just a skill you learn overtime.

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I might try sim next week and see if I like it, cant hurt to learn more about that side of the realism department.

There is a learning curve. So dont get disheartened if it takes time. There is a setting called “SAS mode” which can be cycled into a few different modes. Damping is the mode you want and it makes learning to fly a LOT easier. But not everything has SAS mode.

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Honestly most people just avoid planes without CM’s if possible due to A10’s and Su25 spam. All aspect has no right at those BR’s. Its 2 free kills against planes without CM. Its one of the reason i recommend players to grind sweden with an 8.x vehicle to avoid thengarbage that is 9.x until they get the AJ37 since its decent.

Damping is for cowards, learn to trim or die trying.
(and inevitably give up and just use damping because it saves so much effort)

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