The issue with spall liners

Tbf most players really just kinda refuse to learn how to fight russian tanks + US players are kinda dumb but i guess your point stands?

Understandable have a great day

Tbf most players really just kinda refuse how to learn how to fight German & Swedish tanks /s

Mate, you make a claim Russia wasn’t dominating, I make a counterclaim that they were and back it up with evidence, so you decide to go defensive about how people somehow just lacked skill during that period of time, completely ignoring how busted Russia used to be… meanwhile some nations (finally) caught up in terms of capability, and it exposed just how bad Russian players are as well (they were always bad, however carried by their skill-less vehicles & lineups of doom).


I said earlier that they were good but that time was a while ago. And all of my claims were in regards to recent times. And also how recent would you say they caught up in capability as i am a somewhat newer player (only picked up the game February 2023)

  • i simply dont have evidence at this current moment as i am not at my computer currently

Your profile has the art of war and viking fury chevrons/whatever they are called tho?

My account was created in 2019 however i only played for about 2 days

Yes and some are deserving.

Why do the tanks that already have the best armor ,the best gun, the best gun handling and best overall mobility also need them?

Russia does not struggle with a lack of spall liners. Pay attention.

I also stated the T-90M is not OP because it has a spall liner. Simply having a spall liner doesn’t make your vehicle OP.

Weight matters because of ground pressure. Higher ground pressure means slower acceleration and overall harder movement. It also indicated more armor effectiveness.

The reason the T-80 is so fast is because it has good ground pressure compared to other tanks.

I mention the Soviets because despite their lack of spall liners for the majority of their vehicles, they still absolutely do great.

BVM is still around the second to third best top tier vehicles in the game.

This is factually untrue, and Gaijin has confirmed this. Ever since the BVM was added with 3BM60, it stomped all of its competitors. They also have the best top tier line up. Period.

Pantsir is the best SAM in the game. Gaijin bluntly called in the King of SPAA.

The BVM does not have a guaranteed chance to detonate on ammunition hits. It also should not be ANYWHERE near as armored as the Challenger or Merkava.

Heavy Challengers are slower in reverse than the BVM.

Russian Win Rates are not exceedingly low. That is not only a lie, but can be easily proven with American losses. If America loses the majority of its games and Germany has to pair with Russia or America, then Germany would also lose every game. However, because we know Germany is doing well and America isn’t, this indicates that Germany and Russia must be pairing. This means that Russia must be doing well just from statistics alone.

Of course, you wouldn’t know any of this because you don’t own a Russian Top Tier vehicle like I do.

I own the T-90M, the Leopard 2A7, and the Merkava 4M. I’m soon to own the M1A2 and the Challenger 2.

I think I’m a tad more experienced than you at top tier. All you own is the Leclerc and Type 10, which while impressive, don’t give you experience with the big 3.

The most you have is with the BMP-2M, which is absurdly good for its BR.


That isn’t quite true. Most of my recent matches were Germany + Sweden + Japan (occasionally UK/Italy) versus US + Russia & China.

For the most part, the Russian players perform good enough to match Germany if it’s 1 on 1, but due to being paired with the US (terrible players btw, worse than any German main ever was), they lose to attrition.

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I have played all 3 nations top tier :D and i can tell you russia is by far the worst among the three lmao

Bmp-3 is better and a whole BR lower :D the 2M also struggles from a really garbage chasis. The weaponry is extremely good though

Vertical charges? In that case no as the vertical charges are total RNG. The lower ammo ring is a guaranteed detonation though! You are welcome to test as i can confirm it will one shot the BVM and count as an “ammo detonation”


İts true that Us players are generally terrible but lets not forget that Abrams are also mess when it comes to survivability part, they need some proper buffs in that case.

For starters making turret ring volumetric and reducing the amount of spall in tank whenever it gets penetrated will help a lot, Spall liners and armor buffs can come after that.

Because they have them. That’s how this game works.

And you still never answered my first question, incredible.

i think spall liners are overperforming right now. they need to tone it down.

that being said i think we need to wait and see what they do in the remodeling of the challengers. i see things happening to the challengers and abrams that i cant do to leos. 1 of them is penetraring the turret front from the side and hitting the breech. i cant do that on the side of leo turret. if its proven its bad modeling i think the abrams will need it also.

I responded to the whole post

No you did not because your reading comprehension is off the scale, bottom side.

What didn’t I answer then?