The issue with spall liners

Couldn’t agree more.

Having tanks like the 2A7V and 122B+ which already have the best armor at top tier also have such unmatched post-pen survivability is insane, and makes them an absolute PAIN to play against. It’s pretty much impossible to oneshot a 2A7V or any 122 from the side with most darts, as the spall liner will simply absorb everything and let you get away with killing 2 crew MAX. Combine this with CFCS, and it’s not rare to see 2A7V/122’s who are aware of their insane survivability just W+M1 around a corner like a T-80BVM player, because they know you aren’t going to be able to kill them in a single shot, and once CFCS activates (assuming you even kill the gunner) they will just blast you away.

I would love to see spall liners removed completely considering how terrible it effects the game, but knowing Gaijin 100% won’t do that (along with the fact that Sweden/Germany players will incessently tell you spall liners are 100% balanced and there is nothing wrong with them so they can keep abusing how OP they are) I think it’s way more achievable to have spall liner’s spall reduction nerfed across the board.

Massively nerfing how effective they are would be relatively easy to implement, along with having spall liners still exist on the vehicles that had them without them being so insanely effective that they make vehicles WAY too survivable.


They do not lack good CAS options. And you say Russia wouldn’t dominate like before, but you have no proof of that.

Before Spall Liners, they were winning almost every game. Suddenly, Spall Liners get introduced and Russian Win Rates start to stabilize with other nations once more.

I wonder if that might be because being 20 tons heavier than them actually makes a difference now. You all screamed for years that it didn’t help, so why are you suddenly coming to Russia’s win rate defense now?

Are you joking or actually asking this?

Very middle of the pack US main level 60 or something. Not that I think it matters, your point means nothing. You don’t have to be a lvl 100 3:1kd 70% win rate to have an opinion.

No, having bad stats doesnt mean you cant have opinion.

But stats are just applied understanding of the game mechanics and knowledge.

Opinion of person that struggles with every vehicle, has bad winrate and kd and average placement on scoreboard somewhere towards tbe bottom (not saying thats you, just generally speaking) probably doesnt reflect the reality at all and can be dismissed.

You do realize that not only spall liner is one and done kind of deal (as it is destroyable non-repairable module that gets destroyed in one shot) , it just catches spall but doesnt stop the shell?

None of that is amazing anymore especially at top tier. Plus from all od them only K52 and Mi28 have thermals.
Russian teams were stomping beacuse they could just slap you from the front and kill you with oneshot and still can do but not to A7 and STRVs (well they were unable to do that to STRVs before spall liners). And why are you only crying about russia…
Other nations also suffer beacuse of issue with spall liners, only difference is that they might be able to reverse before return fire but that’s not a point.
If you exposed your side its your fault and should be punished. And that disgusting corner trading when you know you will survive that do you trade crew members for a kill like HP in WoT.
Why would anyone want more “BVMs” in the game instead of fixing that one in russian tt

I’m genuinely asking. Multiole nations have Spall Li ers so why does one have the advantage over all others?

Let me get this straight. You do not believe Russia was completely and utterly dominating Ground Battles despite the BVM having better armor effectiveness than the Merkava and Challenger which weigh in nearly 30 tons heavier. Not only is it more protected, but it also has significantly higher mobility.

Only after Spall Liners came to the game did Russian Win Rates start to stabilize evenly with other countries.

As it stands, you’re asking to take away a primarily NATO exclusive benefit when no country other than Russia is overperforming on average.

If Spall Liners are so overpowered, why is the T-90M already out of the META while the BVM remains at the top?

Are u serios right now?

How can T-90M be meta if it has no reverse gear? So even if you not sure you can oneshot it just take out his barrel there is no going back for T-90.
Also there is a diffrence if spall liner proctect your crew and making sure you are not getting one shoted, and protecting your ammo. If you pen side of T-90M 9 out of 10 its going to explode.

And how weight matter right now? Soviet tanks are smaller and here is biggest diffrence in weight not protection.

EDIT: And again your focus is only on Russia when there are 7 other nations that suffer beacuse of that

BVM isnt anywhere near meta right now it simply does 1 thing well and that is holding W. You have no post pen survivability as well which means that if you encounter a player with a brain you will in fact die. Now it is better than most other russian tanks simply because it can reverse, but there are still underlying issues in the design which tend to make it not as competitive

Russia wasnt dominating before spall liners. That time has been long gone for a while now as they simply just dont have good tanks or a good lineup to surround them. Pantsir is quite decent though. Your post pen survivability is also quite lacking on the BVM despite having more effective armour the merkava will more than likely survive a few hits from you before they die unless you have a very well placed shot or snipe ammo. Chally only has the 5 sec reload to back it up but they also have a reverse gear which i would rather have (challys might be worse but they are much cooler than anything russian so i would rather have them)

If you mean their winrates being exceedingly low as they are now then yes, As the introduction of spall liners drastically lowered the skill required to do good in leopards, people still say russian tanks are op though for some reason

Spall is the main factor on how you kill people 99% of the time, and as such dont you think its not a good idea to give a “get out of jail free” card for the first shot?

Does spall liner prevent the direct hit with sabot from disabling my turret ring, gun breech etc?

have the best armor at top


The “best” armour in question.

No, but its still not a good idea to punish a player for thinking they can shoot with a somewhat decent shot (not going for modules) to kill crew just for the tank to survive? (On a flank as well)

Russia was dominating quite handily until September of 2023 when they started to fall off, their WRs before that were only matched by France (population of 3) & China (glued to Russia ~95% of the time).

There were periods when they didn’t perform that well (post Apex Predators when guided bombs became common, thus Russia no longer had a monopoly on CAS, granted, that was ‘fixed’ by the addition of Pantsir), but these periods were incredibely uncommon.

Relikt bags do! ;)

Preventing the penetration in the first place > mitigating post-pen dmg

You dont adjust your shot placement based your target?

If i know im shooting at Strv122B+, i dont shoot it like usual tank, simple as.

Ive never had a problem with it so idk

Well who doesnt? My point is that spall liners just remove spall and forgive being unaware/ bad positions which isnt very fun for gameplay

Understandable have a nice day

Okay. Past 3 years, Russia was almost always at the top.