The issue with spall liners

Never once said it was amazing :D nor do i care about your stats i imagine you are a decent player (im not that good myself shocker!!!) But top tier at the moment is decided by if you have sweden on your team for both air and ground air isnt important here so we shall discard it. But for ground this is largely due to spall liners. One question as well is it impossible for you to have a self respecting conversation as this is just sad at this point(im a hypocrite grrrrr) . But at the end of the day you are welcome to have your opinion and i am welcome to have mine. Have a great day :D

Didnt even checked your stats so dont know if you are bad or decent player.

You mean Sweden+Germany and Russia? Cause those are the 3 nations that recieved Proper spall liners(i know chally2’s did also recieved spall liners but unlike those tanks something is wrong on chally’s spall liners).

İ agree on that part, in fact i never denied it.

Well same goes for you, you’re the one who came to this discussion and started to throwing some claims and accused me bein a good player only thanks to those spall liners.

Exactly everyone has different taste and different opinions on many things, have a great day as well.

No the T90M is exceedingly bad especially compared to the abrams which just does everything better than it. I dont have enough information to comment on the challnegers

If you took it that way i apoligise. As i came in i was saying this argument is dumb. Its not that both partys are wrong its that you both want bassically the same thing one just wants more degree of change which i am more on the side of hence why i said this argument is dumb.

No, they do completly negate shells, this is what happens currently.



Spall liners should negate spall, you’re right, not completly making null a shell, this is the issue, if spall liners did their actual job, which would be making the crew survive more, and not giving a second life or second opportunity people wouldn’t complain as much. The issue is that, you shouldn’t be able to shoot someone dead on the side and get only one crew member or not even that sometimes.
If you think a 20/30mm Kevlar plate should be able to negate rounds like it does in game, you need some research.

Spall liners should get fixed, and the tank that miss them at the moment should get it. If neither of those issue can be fixed, they should be removed, simple as that. They should give you help, not a second life.
You may say that Develers are surely working on spall liners for other vehicles, however, they stated they are working on spall liners for the Ariete, basically 50 days ago. Have you heard them back since? Thats funny, since for the Leopards and Challenger it took them less than 10 days for both, why for the Ariete its taking them 50 days? They cannot implement a feature, keep it as it is, and then not even working on other vehicles, that they confirmed that it will get said spall liners.


Much better armor, better armor coverage,LWS system and amazing spall liner protection and yet somehow T90M is worse then Abrams ? Let me remind you even reload buff didnt saved abrams at all.

İ would take those features over a better reload time anyday tbh.

No worries no need to apologize, i understand what you tried to mean and i agree on most parts, i still think rather then removing spall liners compeletly Gaijin should work harder, make them more proper and add it to the tanks that are missing.

Because the players are severly bad, the issue is not the tank, its the players. USA have one of the best top tier lineup yet they have the worse W/R out of all top tier.

You’re basically explaining what the T90M is better than the abrams, however the Abrams over the T90M have:

  • Way better forward mobility
  • Way better reverse gear
  • Way better reload
  • Better Round
  • Better depression angles all around, for not talking about the front.

If you want to make a comparison, make it fair.

The sad reality is that USA have a wonderful lineup, however the player are terrible, and most of the time the best option for them is saying their vehicle are terrible, which is untrue, if there is to blame someone, that is US players, not their vehicles.

On paper yes it would be better however, the abrams excels in reload speed, GH and mobility all things which the 90M severely lacks. And while the abrams survivability is somewhat lacking in terms of pre pen it is still better than the 90M in terms of post pen survivability.

Cmon buddy its not just bad players we both know that, armor scheme is a mess, turret ring is giant weakspot even against low caliber auto cannons and best part about it any shell that penetrates abrams somehow causing nuclear explosion on the inside, even good players cant save Us right now.

-SEPV2 and V1 doesnt have it.
-Reverse gear is a such an old factor that i keep forgetting, my bad on that part.
-Already mentioned about reload time.
-Since almost anyone pretty much aim to exact weakspots 3BM60 is more then enough to capable with anything tho i’ll still give points to the M829A2 just because it has more penetration.
-And how many times you can properly use Gun depression? Since most maps are CQC better gun depression is pretty much meh feature, although it still gives benefits from time to time.

My point is still stands, i prefer T90M over Abrams anyday but as i mentioned before its my personal choices.

Tanks are meh, F-16 is amazing and helicopters are nothing special about, adding bad players to this mix this will only result with one situation mostly and that its a lost.

İ take it you’re saying like that cause how we are performing on Leclerc series or how İtalian Mains are performing on Ariete series, well its true that players should always improve themselves but so does Gajin should and treat equals to other nations in those regards.

This is simply untrue. As gun depression is a major factor in this game. While some maps are cqc most have hills and spots you just simply cant use due to a lack of gun depression. For that fact alone the abrams is simply less situational giving it a massive advantage to the 90M imo

İf only i could get those maps buddy, last week i only got nothing but a cqc maps 90 of the time if i remember correctly, thats why i said its a meh feature and gives benefits from time to time.

In regards to this, a good example would be the HSTVL as it makes quick work of eastern MBTs. The only thing to really fear in the HSTVL is a leopard (this is only an example on my part)

Never said it was just bad players, however its a deciding factor. The T90M may be more user friendly, but it does have a lower skill floor than the Abrams, a good player will always choose the SEP v1 over the T90M, a bad player may also have a better time on the T90M than the SEP v1, never said the contrary, however that falls on the fact that the major issue are bad players, not bad tanks.



Both does have better forward mobility than the T90M, if you want more you can remove TUSK if you want it to be even faster, atleast on the SEP v1.

Having 7.1 seconds means that if there is another player you’re 99% toasted unless RNG or bad player shoots choose to save you, with 5 seconds you do not have to rely on any of those.

On hills.

Fair enough, however, you do not have the T90M, you only have the BVM, and you don’t even have much kills on it, just like your M1A2 SEP’s, so if you don’t have it how you can say you prefer it?

Thats both lineups at their maxinum potential, i find them pretty comparable.


For being clear, i do not prefer neither the BVM, 90M, or SEP, or whatever it is, in fact i prefer the Leclerc SXXI over any of those tanks, those are my stats on both of them, i think thats enough to have an objective opionion. Yes the BVM is surely more forgiving, however a good player is going to take the best out of the Leclercs, while there is a limit for the BVM: its capabilities.


If Italian players can perform better than people with a better lineup and vehicle, maybe the issues are not the tanks. This applies to Germany as well. Yes, Germany have better tanks than USA, but USA have better helicopters, planes, light tanks as well, they should have comparable WR, however one have 70% WR while the other can’t even break fast 50%. The issue is that people play what is meta, this is why you see Germany dominating right now together with Sweden. For Germany its because skilled players are probably here, for Sweden its because skilled players are here and the lineup is extremely forgiving to play.

HSTVL is an exception in that case considering it has absurd amount of gun depression(it even lacks some gun depression on certain angles) so i wouldnt use it as an example in that regard.

That example was in regards to my earlier point of post pen survivability, however it could also be quite a good example in this case as the gun depression lets it hold extremely good angels compared to the 90M (this is a very extreme example but it still shows my point as i intended my earlier point to be)

SepV2 definitely doesnt have better forward mobility then T90M at best its equal and removing TUSK from V1 will make it regular M1A2 plus better thermals only.

Simply wrong, i died many times on my Abrams because another player popped up right before i managed to reload my gun, if second guy comes into fight most of the time better reload will not save your life(assuming he has brain and not rushed you like an idiot).

Doesnt answer my question, i asked how many times not what kind of position.

Cause i fight regularly against T90M’s and i know how Russian tanks works overall? Since my main workhorse was T72AV and considering both tanks shares same features such as:same reload time, same reverse gear, really good thermals and quite good ammo its safe to say why i said like that in the first place.

Wasnt comparing to Russian line-up think you got it wrong.

Same, if only we could get better reload,better shell and armor profile, oh and lets not forget proper Three-Tone CARC camouflage.

Both tanks have their limits lets not forget that so safe to say its goes on both ways.

Agree on that part but this doesnt change the fact that Gaijin should do something about when it comes to other nations.

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And as i said before if map design and rotation lets you use that then it will come in handy, problem is most of the maps pushes you to CQC fight where gun depression becomes much less important but still you’re right about that part.

Its not, if you look at both statcard you see what have the worse top speed and its the T90M.

Wrong, not always someone can trade off a kill in time, also its not the only instance when a better reload comes into play, lets say you’re flanking and have 3 enemies, those 3 enemies are clueless, with the Abrams it would take 15 seconds to kill them all, with the T90M it would take 21 seconds, it this 6 seconds of difference you can be spotted, killed, or anything really. Also you’re ignoring the fact that you outreload almost everything, players are not perfect, not even the best in the game, everyone is gonna miss some shot. If both T90M and M1A2 SEP players miss their shot the T90M is going to die regardless, because of the reload difference, so yes, reload is important.

Except some maps, you do almost always have psosibility to use your depression if you’d like, more or less, depending on the maps.

Could be a fair comparison, however the T72AV Turms is worse than both the M1 KVT and 2A4, which it fight regularly, if you don’t own a vehicle i don’t think it would be fair to say you automatically prefer it,grind for it then yeah, you can give opinions about it.

You can compare it to the GER lineup as well and i could say the same thing, the only lineup that is truly better is probably Sweden.

Yes, however there is a way smaller limit about how much armor can save you.

Yes, however they decided to give the Abrams 5 second reload, fair decision you may say, US was suffering, however, why they didn’t did the same with the Ariete? Balancing around stats is ALWAYS a wrong thing to do, Devs should play their game and trait their own conclusion, hence why you see the F5E or F15A respectfuly at 10.7 or 12.3 instead ot their proper BR.

Oh you’re talking about top speed i was talking about acceleration and responsiveness overall, seems like misunderstood happened on that part.

We’re both talking about certain situations that can come in handy or not, safe to say it will not arrive anywhere so lets just drop this part.

‘‘Except some maps’’ exactly, on some maps. Critical part is how often does those maps pop-ups on rotation and lets not forget i didnt denied that advantage in those situations.

Fair enough, i will not share any personal opinion on T90m until i get my hands on it.

Wasnt comparing to any line-up actually, just stated my personal opinion on each vehicle in that line-up.

Thats exactly what i was thinking but was too lazy to explain it, good points.

Most maps dont require you to do cqc the only relavent ones i can think of off the top of my head are cargo port and sweden. However if you still think gun depression is pointless then whatever you clearly dont utilize many spota

İ never said its pointless, i clearly stated that it doesnt come in handy most of the part, well at least in my experience.