The issue with spall liners

May add air to ground missiles on 1.0 bi planes

What’s the point of playing an MBT if your firepower gets offset by spall liners?
I play top tier for fast paced gameplay. If I want my shots to do no damage, I can play low tier France or the Rooikat Mk 1D.

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Another crybaby from the Soviet tree. Why don’t you care about infantry fighting vehicles that eat shells and the same with all the light equipment of the game, let’s remove them too. Dynamic defense, which defeats any projectile in the game, and will never work like that in life, also needs to be removed. As always, if it’s Soviet, for example, 700mm penetration and 585mm armor is 10.0 fair, but if you give it to another country it’s not fair, it needs to be removed urgently.

As I already said, I barely play russian high tier because it’s overall a pretty boring tree. Keep on yapping though.

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I’ve seen the bug reports for ZTZ99A and VT4A1, but was there any reports on the ZTZ99-II and III, and ZTZ96A? I am really interested if those would also have spall liners

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Seems like thats you and your friends problem.

İnstead of removing Spall liners compeletly all vehicles that currently lacks Spall liners should get it and most likely thats what Gaijin is thinkin as Well.

İf you want fast paced game then you should stick with arcade mode. Realistic mode shouldnt be a fast paced game where everyone rushes to each other and try to kill.

Oh I’m sure you’re having a lot of fun with spall liners, seeing as you play a lot of Sweden and Germany.

My most played tank is Leclerc S2 buddy not to mention my service record on leopards and strv’s are coming from the days where Spall liners are wasnt even a thing.

Keep coping tho, it suits you pretty Well.

And im having no fun with mine

Alright buddy

“Go play arcade” is not a good response.

I sometimes enjoy faster gameplay, but I refuse to play arecade due to the enemy markers and aim indicator.

Anyways, spall liners should’ve been implemented on every tank that had them historically, and not only a handful of the best MBTs.

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İ compeletely agree with that part, in fact this is the most annoying thing about Spall liners for me.

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This argument is dumb. They just arent intuitive and frankly just bad from a gameplay perspective. If you like not being able to kill things reliably, Then world of tanks would be a better game for you my friend. As you seem to like the RNG that is spall liners


They CAN reduce not negate.

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Tell me you only read my one reply without telling me you only read my one reply.

The real issue with Spall liners is the inconsistency and it requires good amount of rework if Gaijin reworks on spall liners and add it to the tanks that are missing then it should be fine.

Talking about RNG btw, let me remind you that entire damage modelling system is based on inconsistency and RNG.

But hey instead of adapting the situation and wait for upcoming potantiel reworks and more spall liners complaining and not adopting is always a easier solution for you and your type i assume?

Tell me you cant spell without telling me you cant spell.

The real issue with spall liners is that they are simply unfun. Should they be reworked? Yes they should. But in their current state they simple make the game un-fun.

And talking about RNG let me remind you that while yes, the game is based mostly on RNG however it still takes a degree of skill in terms of aiming/ clicking first , spall liners take no skill whatsoever nor do they enhance any of the previously stated gameplay mechanics they simply detract from them.

But hey instead of admitting that they simply dont make sense in the current format of the game you defend them as they are the only reason you might be able to do good.

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Lowkey effort i see.

According to who? You and some crybabies who loves to complain and demanding them to be removed? Well too bad for you.

Which is why they need a proper rework and should be added to the other tanks but hey lets just keep ignoring this part shall we?

Sure cause im doing terrible on other tanks that doesnt have any spall liners right?

My most successful tanks are 105mm abrams,M1 Kvt, Type16-FPS and Leclerc S2 which none of them has spall liners, safe to say your coping is quite funny dude.

The “cope” is me simply stating that spall liners dont make the game any better why do you defend them so oh you valiant knight of the spall liners?

To reiterate my point, yes they need to be reworked i will agree on that. However they simply add nothing in the game to reward good play. At best they reward terrible play by forgiving not being aware/ forgiving being in a terrible spot.

I also genuenly dont care what you are good in as this argument is in fact very stupid

İ clearly stated that they need quite amount of rework and other thanks should also get it, if this does sound like defending to you that means you have huge issues when it comes to reading and understanding or simply you’re just ignoring this part.

The reason why i think they should stay its because they improve combat effectiveness and should be added to the other tanks that has in real life because its a part of armor scheme where it makes mbts more realistic.

And thats because implementation of spall liners was dumb, they act like they can negate entire damage while it should only reduce it, not compeletly stop it.They are so inconsistent that sometimes they negates the damage compeletly sometimes they just dont do shit and sometimes they just reduce the amount of damage.

İts funny considering you tried to use spall liners as an excuse for my ‘‘amazing’’ performance on those tanks while my actual good performance are on the tanks that doesnt even have spall liners, this is what happens when you talk out of your ass buddy, try not be like that next time.