The issue with spall liners

How surprising, oh wait its not because those tanks dont have spall liners, yet.

Another false claim since ammo detonation is not on hundred percent.

And how do you expect to penetrate arrowhead from front side and expect to kill Loader and one shot any Leopard 2 in that case? interesting request it seems.

Thank god Gaijin doesnt care and share your vision in this case, i would prefer a proper spall liners on every tanks that has rather then removing compeletly.

So basically you’re telling me you’'re either a lazy person who cant be bothered to check it or just a inexperinced player that doesnt know where weakspot areas are?

I’ve tried but unfortunately I cannot find this shot. Please send me a video of where to shoot, I genuinely want to know.

If you ever tested, the horizontal ammo (projectiles) are a 100% chance detonation. Ask any good player you know.

When i get back on my pc, i will.

They are not in the code

İ tested and experienced on tousands of battles, its not.

Why dont you stop claiming that is something untrue or you dont have any idea how ammo detonation mechanic works?

The projectiles (the horiontally stored ammo on T-80s) are indeed a guaranteed kill when blacked out. You can take a Bradley into a testdrive and try it out on the T-90. The projectiles are the lower part of the carrousel on T-72 style autoloaders.


Without spall liners, you could consistently kill or severely cripple a tank. You simply needed to know where to aim. Now, you can basically aim wherever you want and the enemy will either survive or just shrug it off. This is not fun game design. I laugh whenever I survive because of spall liners. I was clueless or in a bad position but the enemy still loses because I have spall liners.

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Why not remove spall liners and give all tanks crew flack jackets modification

Lower tier vehicles? Specify what BR range you mean.

The thing is - the ZTZ99A and WZ1001 both have spall liners in real life and that has been acknowledged in the community bug report. They should get them.

Incidentally - the VT-4A1, ZTZ-96A, ZTZ-99II/III and ZTL-11 also all have spall liners, reported and acknowledged. China is actually a pioneer nation for spall liners in mass produced tanks.

Yup. I’m sure they’ll be added soon. Still can’t gel with the VT-4A1, though. Just feels like a downgrade due to the reduced mobility, while only getting an APS that works only against slow rounds (Heat-FS, etc).

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Thats the whole point of Spall liners in case you dont know, its suppose to save you from certain death and give you a chance to fight back, doesnt change the fact that current Spall liners should be reworked tho.

More like you dont want to see Spall liners overall cause Russia will most likely the only country that will suffer in that area.(maybe Israel as well).

I barely play russian top tier lol.
Anyways, the purpose of spall liners is to increase crew survivability, not give the crew a chance to fight back. The crew will bail after the tank gets penetrated.

It comes down to those playing one nation being the most vocal about this, from my perspective.

İf thats the case then we should bail out after our tracks, barrell or engine destroyed.

You like to talk about pure realism yet you completely ignoring the fact that this game doesnt represent hundred percent reality in every section.

Still i stated that Spall liners needs rework countless times.

I wasn’t the one that brought up the purpose of spall liners. I do not care about realism, as I said. This is a game and I want games to be fun. I’m not having fun with spall liners and neither are my friends.
A complete removal would be best in my opinion but a nerf would be very welcome as well.

At first, spall liners made the game a bit less fun for me. But, I have changed how I play when I know I’m facing tanks with them. That might be something worth trying. It is possible to OHK spall liner tanks, but you have to set yourself up to doing so differently than you would in the past.

whats the point of playing MBT then if you want the technology they provide removed? the same arguments were made when thermals were added and composite etc. dont like it play lower BR