The Israel ground problem

You could provide some real data that minimally supports your hypothesis. I’ll leave this thread, I came here to discuss options to complement Israel’s TT and I come across absurd things.

It’s just that I am simply surprised by the imagination of some people. Argentina and Brazil have maintained their military doctrine for land vehicles since the mid-20th century, prioritizing mobility and autonomy over protection. All local development in Brazil and Argentina has that orientation. Obviously you have no idea what you’re saying.

By the way, I love the coherence in the Chinese TT. The huge amount of American and Soviet vehicles in all the TT’s also looks very coherent. They’ll probably say it’s historically accurate, but when it comes to Latin America, the amount of nonsense I have to read far exceeds my imagination.



You should simply test this hypothesis. Then tell me your results.

You’re right, it’s a lot of fun to have a TT full of slow, heavy vehicles.

That is precisely the reason I left the British TT and the reason I will leave the Israeli TT.

Or better yet, let’s have a TT full of vehicles without a stabilized cannon and with large gaps between their BR’s like the French one.
Or better yet, some paper airplanes like the F-16AJ are surely more fun or the Swedish T-80, they seem very coherent, yes sir.

One of the strongest and most fun TTs is precisely the Swedish one, which combines light and heavy vehicles and let me tell you, there is a thousand times more coherence between a TAM and a Leopard 1 and 2 (Brazil and Chile) than between a CV90 and a Strv 122.


I think we should open a separate thread to let people know about the Latin American industry because the things you have to read sometimes show that they know very little about our subcontinent.



Or megathread with links to individual vehicles, if there isnt one already.

Always nice to read up on some vehicles.

Thet just raised the BR on the only good vehicle Israel has in lower BR ,they just cant stop shooting themselves in the foot.

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Gaijin thinks the player base is a bunch of fish in a bowl, that’s how they treat us, Israel’s TT is an example.

In any case, I always take that AML to the highest level, it is the only way to get SP to take out planes because planes are the only means of air defense and tactical mobility of the Israeli TT, on a battlefield in war thunder… crazy No? Blessed are you AML-90!!!

Roland SPAA destroys an MBT head-on in seconds and can do intelligence with Control+V while Macbeth isn’t even good for that. I hope AML-90 goes even higher, up to 8.7 just to have scout drones.

Drone Age never arrived at the Israel TT.

You scare me

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I just gave up on Israel in the end. So glad I didn’t spend a penny on any premiums for it. I consider Israel to be another of Gaijins failed experiments.

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five Merkavas without AML, it’s like coffee without sugar lol

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Considering I don’t like my coffee sweet I would rather have that :D

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I am sure that with this buff, all our problems will disappear




merkava go brrrr

Why do you believe the Merkava is currently going brr?

its not, they are suffering, i am coping hard

MK3’s should be at 10.3 and MK2D should be at 9.3

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10.3? Too low when accounting for M322, LWS and more or less decent mobility. 10.7 is fine, or uptier the M1A1 to 11.3

M321 could be added to improve the stock grind.


compared the russian and german spaceships, i reckon it will be fine

10.3-11.0 is rather balanced for all nations.

T-72AV 10.0
Leopard 2A4 10.3
T-90A/ZTZ99 10.7
Type 90/IPM1 11.0

Merkava 3s are quite close in technology to the T-90A/ZTZ99s, but with better gun handling and reverse gear; the absolute lack of armor is what would make them 10.7.