The hit replay feature is worthless

In the game, my shells hit the enemy but didn’t do any damage, but in the replay, my shells managed to penetrate the target.

What purpose does this feature serve if the results of the hit replay are different than in the actual game?
Or is this gaijin’s way of controlling player win rates? Making your shells that would have destroyed the enemy harmless?

Prot anal and ingame shots use a different calculator, so yeah it’s usesless in alot of cases.

could it be possible that ur shot bounced off the ground and hit him? that explains why it didt pen and ur sight seems to be aiming lower than u should be but idk

That’s because I took the screenshot a little late in the replay and I’m sure I hit it correctly.
And anyway, the replay shot does differ from the actual result

I can think of two reasons for this happening.

1: The shot was a %chance of penning, the replicated shot got the rng to pen while the in-game one didnt.

2: The replay saves the round direction from the client side rather than server side. This means that it replicates a slightly different shot than what you didnt.

In both cases, I believe that the replay doesnt actually save the real shot. It just saves enough info to try to replicate it in the protection analysis.