i’ve been playing this game for around 3-5 years. I havent got any top tier yet, the best i got is 9.3 in Italy, 8.0 in Germany, 6.7 in america and USSR. And already doing that is really hard. Im a F2P player, i buy a couple of golden eagles there and there but its just for decoration or backups. Here’s a little idea to make the grind easier.
First of all, Lower a bit the prices of vehicles after 6.7, (ex. BTR-80A costs 95k, make it 65k) so that people who just got out of the living hell of 6.7 can get cold war eras easily.
Second Thought, re-balance some vehicles, just change some BRs there and there (ex. PzH2000 to 8.0, BMP-1 to 7.7 etc etc)
Third Thought, Make some game limitations, ex. make that there can be only 2-3 CAS for team.
Those are my thoughts how to make the game better, Those are only thoughts but ill let everyone be free to say whatever.
Never going to happen.Too many are loving the game as it is and handing over their cash.
As this is marked discussion, I would give this suggestion:
The ‘full’ game costs about 3$ per month. If you don’t want to spend this extraordinary sum to convert all your vehicles into premiums, fine. You decide how much your time is worth.
Instead of spending Ge on backups which is very expensive then just buy premium. It will mean you can’t lose SL and you get double the research. Eg if you’d have had premium since starting you would have finished all of those trees most likely and been on another. Premium time is better then any other purchase you can make.
Did you work that out based on the cost of a premium subscription? what’s the breakdown here I’m curious as to how you reached that conclusion.
i have a premium. but im not gonna spend 70$ (thats its exaggerated for pixels on a screen)
every time i wanna grind a nation
how did you get 3$ a month for premiums? i wanna know too
All you need is a premium account - premium vehicles are optional. It’s a grind-based game that has been out since 2012 - you taking years to hit this or that matters little. Game will still be here when you get there.
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Yea, but im not launching money at gaijin like if i am bezos son or whatever, and, yes it is a grind based game, but this “grind” thats more like a punishment from ancient greek gods is too long.
Buy 365 days of premium when it is 50% off - you support the game and you help yourself.
i am not even gonna try to talk about this again because premium users dont know the real pain of f2p.
The game is free to play, but no one said you should actually play for free. That is on you. Enjoy the pain.
You can buy 180 days of premium on a 50% sale for 20 euros and that equals to like 10 cents per day.
The money you get from a single day of working (in a lot of countries) is enough to get you a 360 day premium on a sale.
WT has questionable prices when it comes to premium vehicles, but premium time is simply not expensive, especially for the benefits it gives.
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2 hours a day of gameplay with premium account should net you top in 2, maybe 3 months at the latest.
To take 3 years means you’ve played for less than 10 minutes a day on average. One battle per day. to complete a tech tree which you seem to have not done.
Premium account is $40 a year when on sale.
I did a premium account for about 3 years but I wouldn’t bother now.
I enjoyed WW2 as it was then and did all the nations until 6-7BR when I should really have used the premiums and premium time to get to top tier maybe for one or two nations. Now I am stuck mid tier with all the nations either having no line up or all my tanks are unspaded , painfully slow monsters with no decent ammo or even FFE facing fully equipped and fast vehicles a tier above me.
I find the game is pretty unplayable or should I say un-enjoyable after 6BR and any interest I may have in playing above mid tier are killed by the grind
I find it kind of laughable that people defend the grind in Warthunder as it is what it is.I could throw money at the game but is not worth it anymore. Everything that I liked about the game had been removed now. I think the first few tiers are the best anyway.
The trouble with spending on a game is that the game can very quick take a wrong turn or in WTs case a series of wrong turns and just throw you off as a supporter.I loved it once now I dont bother that much.
One thing Gaijin could do is lend long term player top tier vehicles to see if Top tier appeals to them.Maybe we could borrow a top tier premium as a prize for successive games at mid tier.
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You have access to top tier stuff via squadron vehicles.
There are squadrons specifically made for grinding vehicles, you don’t need to interact with them in any way.
Since you obviously like the game and are willing to play it I would suggest you do some events and sell the vehicle. Even the worst event vehicle net you 20GJN or more which is enough for half a year of premium.
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