The game needs more attention

The gameplay in SB is way faster than RB though.
Since you need to be active even whole flying straight. While in RB you don’t need to do anything for that.

Because you are inflating how forgiving AB is compared to RB. They are both handholding you to the extreme.

Even if the rewards would represent the change in complexity, the difference in reward should be minimal. RB and AB are pretty similar in almost all ways, the differences are almost non-existent.

In both modes the entire operation of the plane is done by the instructor for you. You do not fly the plane. This is the biggest handholding device in WT which makes what? 95% of all the complexity and both modes have the game do it for the player. The rest isn’t relevant enough to justify the increase in rewards. Face it. RB is really just AB+, which makes looking down on AB players a bit ridiculous.

That doesn’t make the gameplay any faster, it just prevents you from being bored out of your mind.

I disagree. The gamemodes, mechanics and flight models are different enough for them to be separate modes. Saying they are nearly identical is ignorant.

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It sure does. Gameplay is defined as how you interact with a game. In RB in a straight line you don’t interact at all. In SB you do. The pace of actions is higher in SB.

Also EC results in you being on your toes from the start because you don’t know where the enemy is, while in RB it is predictable and you won’t be intercepted before enterig the battle.

In terms of gameplay they very much are. Mission design is different sure but the gameplay of pointing with the mouse and clicking and having the instructor do everything is identical… And that is what defines complexity.

Also i am comparing them in light of the existence of SB. The magnitude of difference between SB and RB is what? A houndred fold compared to the differences are almost non-existent. A boosted flightmodel and a lead indicator isn’t much.

Is it enough for them to be different modes? Sure i never denied that.

Is it enough to call them vastly different? Hell no… “Almost the same” is the correct term. The workload isn’t increased by much, the pointing and clicking is the same. It’s definately nit enough to look down on arcade players or drastically reduce their rewards.

“No you muppet.” don’t come out and steal my catchphrase :(


Yes they are. Gameplay strictly speaking is defined as how the player interacts with the game. Since you only interact with the vehicle, it is almost identical. Since in WT it boils down to the controls… Those are identical.

i recently dipped into 9.3 ground again after taking a long pause from ground RB in general and the 9.0/9.3 range in particular and HOLY MOLY it is uptiers at least 80% of the time but unlike in BR’s below that, 9.0/9.3’s are completely outclassed by 10.0/10.3 vehicles, which makes sense considering the massive gap in technological advancement between the majority of vehicles at both BR’s.

and all that after they further compressed air RB past 7.0 with the recent changes.

gaijin being completely incapable of even remotely balancing vehicles past the korean war era is only getting more of a meme these days.
on top of the mediocre to bad maps of course and gamemodes that havent really changed since 2014/2015, let alone new gamemodes(where is our air RB enduring confrontation gaijin?)
ridiculous and hilarious at the same time.

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