The Fuji is OP when a level 10 can get a nuke with it

Why is the tank so quiet? This isnt a name and shame Im just curious is the tank too OP?


Isn’t it just a Leopard 2A4 clone? I recently just crewed the premium Leopard 2 that I bought about a year ago, despite having very few matches in it I already got two nukes out of it. They are very good tanks in their respective br, I bet he can achieve the same thing using the Leopard 2A4, it also looks like the armor is better than the Fuji.

Not a clone, looks identical but it a complete different tank. Just that a Type 90B Fuji seems more friendly to use than the Leopards due to higher mobility and 4 second reload. Leopard 2A4 have better armor for sure, but that’s about it. I have seen more successful matches when playing with premium Type 90B spam than premium Abrams/Turms/Leopard spams since the update. Most of them are able to rack up kills quite fast, some even spammed the F-4EJ ADTW/F-5E FCU with it as CAS.

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TURMS out of them all IMO is the hardest to master, at least based on my experience it has to play in a certain way to do well due to its infamous Russian feature, after spading a total of four T-72s, as soon as I jump into the Leopard 2A4 for the first time I instantly feel like it’s a direct upgrade as it does everything better, even reload 1 second quicker, the experience you gained in the T-72s can be transferred to the Leopard 2 and it will work right away lol

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T-72s are horrible, yet people still cry about the turms to this day


I have the TURMS but played it for a bit. It is indeed not newbie friendly tank to use and harder to master as you say.

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