The F104 does not belong at 9.3

I literally wrote that:

and would be easily 10.0 if it didn’t carry 9Bs simply due to its flight performance

Then why do you want it to be placed at a higher BR?

Because 8.3-8.7 have no business fighting F104. The whole BR range from 8.0 and up needs some serious rebalancing/decompression.

What we currently see happening is planes which have straight up 9.7-10.0 performance being dropped to 9.3-9.7 because they get slaughtered otherwise due to lack of CM. This isn’t the right approach, they should be making more room in BRs on the higher tiers to alleviate the issue.

I honestly have no room for compassion when someone says - but uptier! no flares! bad missiles! and so on. This is not an excuse to be untouchable in a downtier when flown right. Fixing the balance of a plane should not bring further issues which quite frankly, are more detrimental to the game balance.

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At 9.3 you still find subsonic planes, what are they supposed to do against something that fast? The circus that is a downtier isn’t even worth mentioning as there’s even WW2 stuff in there.

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i actually agree i see a f104 coming for i me, i just turn.


I’m so sorry but, M61 is one of the easiest cannons for aiming at the BR and 104s has decent rollrate, so even if you have crappy aim, enemy will be dead even if the he makes turning.

It doesn’t have bad FMs like EEL and If you can’t aim at the enemy with this easy cannons, then that’s a massive skill issue.

Huh, not always as it depends on how your ennemy will fool you around,…

Yesterday i win a fight of
1 (me in MiG-19PT) vs 2 (F-104A and F-104C)

They were never close to point guns at me the entire game,… despite rolling all over myself.

The differences on that fight was pilots → i was the only guy to clearly knew what i was doing (awareness/flight strategy/…)

M61 is a good gun and i agree to that, but having a gun is no kill guarantee.

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That’s explain how average F-104A players are awful

M61 is good but in order to use it properly your jet also needs to have good turning ability which F104 lacks. A good gun is useless if you cant aim it in time.

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Nah, that’s also wrong,…

Most players ask to F-104 to fly as fast possible, which necessarly limit the turn radius of the aircraft,…

I used F-104A and F-104J (japan) before, and both variants are able to accompany much more the turn of any ennemy trying to evade your nose,… the only differences i made between most players was to cut the afterburner, use a little bit of airbrakes.

Once you fired, you pull power back on, and check out the ennemy you just fired at, in order to avoid being a target.

I even once destroyed a MiG-21SMT in a pure 1 circle gunfight (bit of luck on my side, if i missed that shot i would have been dead in the next 10 seconds)

But before saying the F-104 are OP or completely useless,you all must know what you’re aircraft is fully capable of,… and currently most people/players don’t know what is really capable a F-104.(from my POV)


You are out of your mind. I literally have people in Migs pull in a different direction just to evade the m61 cannon from F104s. Anyone with a brain knows to just jerk their plane in a different direction because the f104s won’t be able to follow the movement.


And you forgets F-104A can pull hard when you fly over 800km/h and has still has good rolls like Sabres and 190s.

I guess you have massive skill issue for aiming even on M61 also doesnt know how to play Jet RB games decently.

I have just incredibly massive amounts of skill issue with the F-104’s vulcan, so I don’t touch it. A guy will literally be flying straight 500m in front and I’ll dump 300 rounds and not hit him. So, I don’t have the experience in the plane that others do, like dot.

It’s a worse issue than the EEL or the MiG-19 (planes that are already undertiered by themselves), because you can’t kill it with guns. Because of the server desync that’s natural to the game, plus the small profile, high roll rate, and high drag of shells, an F-104 outside 500m is safe if he takes even the most basic evasive maneuvers. So, no matter how risky he plays, no gun-focused plane will be able to touch it.

It’s also easy to outrun missiles in it given that you see them coming - as soon as the R60 runs out of burn time, it’s dead in the water. Ditto for even Aim-9L that can be outrun from 2km if you are going fast enough on the deck and drain the energy from the missile. If it’s going fast enough it can easily outpull an Aim-9E, making planes like the F-100 useless against it.

The F-104 easily deserves 9.7 in the current matchmaking and should not be fighting anything less capable than the F-100 in the event that the BR system is decompressed.

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and wouldn’t you know… your best plane, is a mig-17.

I spammed this thing when we didn’t have 104s in the game.

Also, how it is relevant with 104A issues?

Dude, the F104 can just engage and disengage at will and there’s nothing the Mig-17 or any 9.0 is going to do about it. Yea you can dodge it, but the vulcan can also shoot people >1km out and is dead easy to aim. So the 104 can just bnz someone at will and for all eternity if it wants to. Maneuverability has absolutely nothing to do with it, or do you consider something like the P51H fighting A6M also balance? Same thing, P51H can just engage and disengage at will and the A6M isn’t ever going to get close.

Only reason you don’t really often see someone good playing the F104 is because it’s just so damn 1 dimensional and boring to play it. Zero engagement, just bnz people with impunity in any match which isn’t 10.0/10.3, and so many people spam it out that every 8.3-9.3 game will have 2-4 of them on the US side.

What should happen is that the damn thing is moved back to 9.7 along with the Yak-38, F100A/D, and a few others. In the general sense this makes little difference in the MM, except it will not sit into 8.3 matches anymore. Similar things should happen with the AV8, F58, which should move to 10.0, and likewise the Su25/A10/A6 should hop to 10.3 or maybe 10.7 due to all aspect. Everything has to move up and be rebalanced to provide some breathing space from BR 8.3 and up so that a lot of planes can stop gathering years of dust in the hangar because they are quite frankly not usable right now in ARB.


As one of old top dog enjoyers, there is no way to kill the F104A other than using S21 rockets or spraing guns on the runway when they landed to the airfield.

Aswell as MiG-21F-13 and PFM

Those ones got lowered due to their subpar armament’s.

Moqtly because people cry after qpraying guns…
I do easy 4kills in PFM,… as easy i did with F-104A,…

So i don’t see why both are differently considered.

The fact you have such a speed advantage to everyone else gives you the upper hand in all situation,… for this MiG-21’s F-13 and PFM should be 9.7 at least.