F104 more idiot proof than PFM, even reflects on your own stats with it. Easy gun, and can only really fly as its intended purpose.
Yes, and so should many others too. A ton of current 9.3s have no business seeing 8.3s, and you could argue a ton of 9.0s have no business seeing 8.0s either. The whole range from 8.3 and up needs rework imo.
Ok so I recently started playing the early jets in USA/USSR. This evening I have been spading mig 15 bis and mig 17. All evening I fighting F104’s with chinese names. They ruin the BR. They b n z all game and there is Nothing we can do other than roll out of the way and try shoot at their tail as they ZOOM past.
One F104 in a match is a rofl stomp at this BR. Two of them working together tag teaming people is quite literally seal clubbing. This evening is the first time since I started playing that I thought, well if it’s this bad here do I even want to see how messed up it is further up?
Really turns me off the game having two clowns in the server, just seal clubbing at will, untouchable when they fly high speed passes over and over until they ‘hit’
They aren’t the clowns - the clowns are the likes of me who barely gets a kill on the AI planes every takeoff!!
You guys who say it’s too easy - well you obviously have more skill then me and many others - well done - not to take anything away from that, but saying the plane is easy because YOU can use it well is not relevant to many of is.
It’s been a month since I first posted in this thread - had a bunch of games in 104’s - A’s and C’s - and various other planes in the 9.0 - 10.3 range - IMO it is not noticeably better for me than anything else!
All the subsonic all aspect missiles carrying aircraft (Su-25A/K, A-6E, A-10s) should go up to 10.7 minimum.
All of the first model Harriers barring the Gr.1 can easily be 10.3.
After that just hardlock 10.0 matchmaking again and you can move the F-104,MiG-19/21 and yak-38 back to 9.7/10.0 and they will be both balanced and playable again since they don’t see all aspects or AIM-9G spammers.
The only nuisance planes that flareless planes would see would be the Aforementioned Yak-38, F-8U A-5C or hunter F.58.
They could move the A-5C and F-8U to 10.3 and they would probably be fine tbf, but the Hunter F.58 and Yak-38 are in a bit of a weird spot albeit for different reasons.
Yak-38 is even more of a straight Linus machine than the F-104 albeit without the speed but it gets really good missiles. So it’s kinda going to be a maus situation where it’s either broken OP when in the right hands or just completely useless because what it fights just stomps it in every way.
The hunter however has a rather decent flight model for its br but it gets flares and good missiles. Even with this though moving it up in to 10.3 would put it at a bit of a disadvantage since it’s flight model isn’t going to cut it anymore and it only has flares and AIM-9Ps are already leaving something to be desired at a BR where R-60s, Magic, and later sidewinders are the norm on high performance aircraft with countermeasures.
In all honesty there is no perfect solution to fix the issues at that BR range but at the very least all aspect ir missiles don’t belong below 10.7 regardless of how slow the aircraft carrying them is.
TBH, Hunter F.58 can go 10.0BR maximum in current meta becuase we will get Super Etendard that has Magic 1 and tons of CMs at 10.0BR. It’s a joke that it’s the same BR as the Hunter F.6 in the first place.
My biggest regret is buying the mig 21 S premium. Constantly get uptiered and missiles I can’t counter up with no countermeasures ARRGH this game is pain sometimes. I have a few good fly outs but it is incredibly frustrating against certain planes in this BR HELLHOLE.
Yak-38/38M isnt much of a nussiance these days, yeah 4 R-60s at 9.3 is annoying, but because of all the premium spam in Rank VI, it rarely gets an at-tier or downtier game.
It’s also not exactly the fastest aircraft at its BR, and may be the only thing in game that turns worse than a starfighter.
Actually this has to be one of my favourite premiums, it can be tough at times, but if you use R-3S as counters to 9L and all aspect, you can use them in that sense. I usually take 2x R-3R, to counter high flyers, then use my 2x R-3S to either counter all aspect missiles or hit a tail shot on an unaware player. Fly high and dive down, there’s not much that can hurt you at that BR.