The F-111F use the F-5’s Radar…

That also includes BISON and Su-24.

Fair enough, however due to the fact the F-111F currently lacks a digital RWR, when there’s only a few players left in a match, and they’re location is unknown, your Radar is your best friend. Or you just track down every RWR ping slowly and try to pinpoint from there. Really helpful late game.

They still have a functional A2G radar.

The flight manual which they assumed classified was based on assumptions, Im pretty sure all documents in Avialog are declassified or how else are they not caught by FBI?

lol No they don’t [referring to the functional part]. It’s literally the Apache’s air to ground mode, which isn’t anywhere close to usable on jets at this time. They also don’t have weapon systems to use that radar with.

Just ignore that troll,you won’t get anything useful from it.

F-111F IRL use APQ-169 and ALR-62. none of them appear in game, even in text. the model of radar anf rwr in preview is all wrong, and Gaijin ignored issues about it

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@ex3333 accusing everyone here of being bad things.
“Everyone wanting F-111C/F radar issues fixed are bad.” is such a nonsense post.

Keep posting insults that come off as anti-F-111, ex. All you do is prove all of us right.
F-111F deserves its correct radar and RWR no matter how much you insult everyone.

The only one being anti-F-111 here is you.

So wanting F-111 to have its correct radar is anti-F-111?
That’s clearly bait. You can’t be serious…

No, I state that @ex3333 is anti-F-111 for attacking everyone that wants it to be as accurate as possible.
And yes, I came in saying that the radar is placeholder and that F-111F should get its correct radar.

“Wanting F-111F to get its correct radar means you don’t want it to get its correct radar.” - Morvran and ex3333.

Thanks for proving that I want F-111F to get its correct systems.


Just ignore that troll.Not worthy waste time on it.

I reported a issue about ALR-2002 on Australian F-111C week ago

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We can all see his post, please don’t post disinformation when we can all see his post.

And he once again is claiming that wanting F-111C to get its correct RWR makes you bad things.

Reminder that although this is publicly available on websites (for some reason), what you have just posted is still not official declassified. Please remove it when you get the chance.

So @ex3333 why do you think everyone that wants F-111C’s RWR fixed are all malicious?

My guy… what?


He called me malicious just cause I want F-111C and F-111F to be made accurate.

The first person to use the word malicious in this thread was you…

Cause if you quote the actual insult your post gets flagged and removed.
Quoting insults is just as rule-breaking as using the insult.

Alright well this isn’t going anywhere, and it’s also derailing the thread. I would appreciate if everyone here would get back on topic, as arguing about the possibilities of the game isn’t going to change anything like bug reporting and contacting Tech Mods/Devs will.

Currently the F-111F lacks its proper radar and radar modes, that is the subject of this thread and I would not like to see the thread derailed on other subjects.

I also now understand the RWR is also highly inaccurate and can edit the thread to include it in the title and subject post if everyone here would like me too, rather than creating a whole new thread.

Quick poll for this if y’all don’t mind:

  • Include F-111F/C RWR Issues in this Thread?
  • Create New Thread for F-111F/C RWR Issues?
0 voters

Regardless of the outcome of this poll, given the similarities between the RWR and Radar issue, I see no problem with at the very least discussing both topics in this thread.

If the off topic and arguing continues, I’ll grab a forum mod to clean this thread up. There’s no need to argue in such a way over unnecessary things, such as game limitations, especially when the game is proven to not be limited in such a way. And either way while I bring this subject up for the last time, the radar could be implemented in such ways that it includes all the possible features that are limited by the state of game, such as simply leaving out the radar modes that aren’t yet currently possible to add.