The F-111F use the F-5’s Radar…

Literally unplayable
As you can see here:
During the last dev server someone tried to bug report this to correct it, however the flight manual for the F-111F that they used is a classified source, leading to the bug reports rejection.

Does anyone have a primary sources relating to the Radar and its installation on the F-111F? I’m sure the F-111C also suffers from this issue…
From what I’m finding the F-111F used a more sophisticated radar with modes for locking ground targets. I would presume it also had a lot more modes, such as PD, TWS, or other modes prominent at the time period.

Any help is appreciated! Feel free to fill out a bug report of your own for this issue if you’d like, but I can try to make one myself if you or anyone can find proper sources for it!

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They put placeholder radars on aircraft that don’t need a radar to function.

F-111F and F-111C need their functions implemented of course.

The F-5E does seem to be the go-to placeholder radar. If its anything like the Sea Harrier, will be fixed around June next year

what? nooooo…

Yep. Took 9 months to get the F-5Es radar to be replaced with the blue Fox. That was a painful 9 months as it didnt have IFF.

So… Why did the Buc S2B get a bespoke Blue Parrot radar instead of just a C&P Placeholder Blue Fox?

More likely, the F-111s radar is a WIP or they dont have info for it and are waiting for bug reports

At the BR this aircraft is found at, a Radar to spot target, and lock and designate ground targets is much needed. It’s something it had IRL and is lacking ingame, leading to it being less powerful. The Pave Tack targeting pod is said to be able to slave to the radar for locking ground targets, however with the F-5Es radar being the one present ingame, this capability is absent from the aircraft.

A placeholder radar should have been fixed before the live server came…

1- Irrelevant questions.

2- That’s literally what I said.

Radars are a good way to get spotted. I don’t use a radar at all in air RB, and I rarely use one in air sim especially for a fighter-bomber.
It doesn’t have radar missiles so it doesn’t matter.

Yep, the situational awareness you gain in a ground attack aircraft from a radar, perticularly in Sim, is something that cant be understated. Its awesome in the Buc S2B to be able to avoid the enemy team, and fight back if you have to (Tornado Gr1 is really limited in its defensive capabilities because it cant ID at longer ranges)

I do wonder if the F-111s radar is being delayed for its A2G ability. Su-24 now has an A2G radar and its rather unfair thats a Soviet exclusive at the moment

No, you said aircraft that dont need a radar, just get a placeholder radar instead of their own.

Though quite frankly A2A aircraft get placeholder radars more often than not. In recent history in the British TT, Sea Harrier FRS1 and Gripen both had placeholder radars at launch and did so for months (technically the Gripen still does) and the Tornado F3 had an extremely weak radar for the first 3 months of its life, that I essentially consider a placeholder it was that bad.

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Copy & Paste radar from F-5E
Copy & Paste RWR from F-111A

Gaijin even forgot to rename the radar name, the filename is the correctly APQ-169,and Gaijin just copy whole file from 159 and forgot to rewrite the name.

After a month Gajin still don’t know what model of RWR and radar F-111F has.
What a shame

Yeah… More and more, aircraft are being added with major placeholder parts. Still waiting for the FA2 to get its own RWR, they worked on it a little last update by giving it the ability to ID ground radars, which is highly important in an aircraft with very limited ground attack abilities. But cant ID aircraft yet.

Grab Webster’s English dictionary and lookup “need” and “placeholder”.
Need; in this context meaning weapons require the radar to function. F-111 doesn’t have those.
Placeholder, temporary.

According to your flat out disinformation, all radars in WT don’t exist.
That’s blatantly false.

If the F-111s native radar also has the ability to assist in ground attack, then I would consider that a need.

Also the F-5E radar does not have IFF. This serverly harms the ability of the F-111 to ID targets within Sim at meaningful ranges and limits the effectiveness of having all-aspect IR missiles as using them against something coming straight at you is highly risky.

I dont know much about the F-111s radar strength, but if its half decent and able to see out quite well. Then it allows you to plan and approach ground targets within sim whilst avoiding the enemy team.

That is 3 “needs” for the F-111 to have its placeholder radar fixed ASAP.

But quite frankly. Placeholder RWRs, Radars, MAWS, HUDs and other such systems are becoming WAY too comon and take WAY too long to fix. If they ever do. Its getting really frustrating.

Game limitation, so not possible without a major game update; possibly the game engine.
Even Su-39 uses a placeholder radar.

Well… If ground radar is a game limiation. I guess they should remove it from the Mig-21 BISON, Su-39 and Su-24.

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That also includes BISON and Su-24.

Fair enough, however due to the fact the F-111F currently lacks a digital RWR, when there’s only a few players left in a match, and they’re location is unknown, your Radar is your best friend. Or you just track down every RWR ping slowly and try to pinpoint from there. Really helpful late game.

They still have a functional A2G radar.

The flight manual which they assumed classified was based on assumptions, Im pretty sure all documents in Avialog are declassified or how else are they not caught by FBI?