How could such a major cultural feature be missing from such a cool airframe, it really is a shame.
this would be an awesome mechanic if the burned fuel damaged airframes of planes that were in the fire and detonated or damaged AAMs
Or, hear me out on this… you could get really low and kill open tops/SPAA
Fuel dumping is not a general feature in War Thunder yet.
Patience is required on this front.
All F-111s can do this IRL BTW, not just F-111C.
Oh, I’ve only seen picture and videoed related the the F-111C but I’ll look into it.
That would be so cool, but really hard to master, and I don’t think any player in the know would be mad dying from that either, like a skilful kill is a skilful kill
Could you look at the controls to see if there is an option? I’m a conole player so I don’t have access to the dev server.
There is not as fuel dump is not a feature of War Thunder yet as stated in my previous comment.
It will come at some point, as with most things, just not now.
That’s why I made this post though, I believe it is an important feature of this aircraft that it would be sad to not have. Really I wouldn’t even be mad if they took the animation from the Churchill crocodile and slapped it on the back rather than modeling a whole new animation.
Here’s all the other aircraft I could find that can do a dump and burn
Also @AlvisWisla you were right all F-111s could do it the US ones weren’t cleared to do so for fear of damaging the engine and tail.
RAAF used the mechanic just for fun ^^
Look up Brisbane F-111 Riverfire…
I never saw it personally my self… but, I am about 100Kms west of Brisbane, and I could still see the F-111s when they climbed out still burning fuel from here
In Fact there was a another Riverfire event yesterday I think was, but the RAAF now use F-18 Super Hornets
And yes, other aircraft could dump fuel, not sure if they could all dump and burn ? but you can see the fuel dump on the F-14s as well
but yeah, there is no game play mechanic for it right now, others have asked for it in the past, so may see it in the future
I’ve seen a Gripen do it at RIAT before
but yeah. We need fuel dump mechanics. Especially notable for those that do carrier landings like Harriers
I think it would be even cooler in night battles as well, the F-111C doesn’t have too much of a place in ARB right now unfortunately
It is really sad they were decommissioned and had to be buried because of asbestos
RAAF do so much just for fun not just fuel dumping.
I know they also did one at the 2000 Sydney Olympics Closing Ceremony which is a pretty cool thing. Never seen one myself either but wish I had of.
Pretty big shame it is not a mechanic in game yet. Like yeah pretty much any other jet can do it the but the RAAF probably did it the most.
Yeah its pretty sad. I have been wanting to go see one of the ones in the museum the issue is they are not near me.
Oh is that why… makes sense now then… but, yeah was sad to see them go…
Yeah it would have been really expensive for an air tight disassembling factory and PPEs.
You’ve only seen it on F-111Cs because it is forbidden in the FM. The aussies would do it at airshows to wow the crowd
Yeah I looked into it and found that too. Pretty crazy maintenance was required after each show as well.
id just want to see fuel dumping in general, would be very nice to have it for cases where you need to get real light real quick,