The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

Whole turret? No… over half of the turret is green.
Your defense of Russia is strong.

Thats not half

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Why would they add it to the game then? And how does would you argue that “America isnt the only nation in the game,” to someone point out the Su-27’s loadout in comparison to the F-15A?

I mean I just don’t get what you’re even saying (paraphrased):

“America isn’t the only nation in the game, but yes I know that Russian and US missiles make up the majority of those in game, and yes I know that the R-27ER is overpowered, but you’re just supposed to be ok with that because some US players complained on the old forums about how the R-27ER would be OP.”

It’s just not coherent. If you were trying to say that the flight model of the Mig-29 or Su-27 somehow warrant their OP loadouts then that’s at least a coherent argument (although one that is wrong).

It literally is.


hull of abrams is what you aim at, you’re just proving how much better in game Russian tanks are armor wise than the USA’s.

it’s just laughable

but you know the
Abrams turret is much bigger then the T80s making the area that you have to pen bigger
Also turret ring isn’t part of the turret

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lol This is what’s known as a moving the goalposts fallacy.
I was speaking about how to kill BVM and how easy it is.
It’s up to you whether you choose to learn to aim or not.

I know that you claim Russia makes better tanks than America, but that’s irrelevant to my points.

Which doesn’t matter since the weakspot area is the same size:
Screenshot 2024-01-02 194524
Screenshot 2024-01-02 194330

volumetric helps the BVM in this but the BVM isn’t OP by any means
Abrams breech is bigger though

Volumetric helps the Abrams as well.
Your point?
And yeah, Abrams breech is bigger, but BVM’s entire turret under the ERA is weak, not just the breech.
Which is why everywhere there’s not ERA is the weakspot.

The M1 turret is wider than the T-80BVM, so without you getting out a ruler to show the correct dimensions for all we know you’re zooming in on the T-80BVM turret to make the mantle a similar size as the M1.

Additionally, you’re forgetting the football field-sized Abrams weakspot known as the hull (which the T-80BVM does not have anywhere near as big a hull weakspot).

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Only the mantlet of T-80B doesn’t matter, its entire surface is weak to DM33 & up.

I’m glad you agree with me about Abrams hull.
Weird how you accuse all people in this thread of ignoring that when we literally talked about it.

not true the T80b has kontact one on the turret where the BVM has relict


Bruh we’re talking about the T-80BVM’s mantlet at the moment, stop changing the subject.

How can you say this:


But then also say this two seconds later:

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Talking about only the mantlet is changing the subject.
Much of the non-ERA portion is not the mantlet, so talking about only the mantlet means nothing.

I don’t understand why I’m the only one criticizing the BVM right now…

You start with:


Mythos responds with:

You then respond with:

So, I’m not actually changing the subject lol

27er got added because the mig29 was gimped to hell. Its shitty FM aside, the amount of seething and crying usa mains did in the old forums to prevent it from getting r73 was unreal. To the point of asking aim120 to counter an IR missile… lmfao. Gaijins excuse was that the r73 wasn’t ready. Well it still isn’t but they added it regardless so that reason was a lie. (r73 is broken to this day)

SU27 gets an OP loadout and artificially nerfed FM and radar. Adding the mig29m would’ve been a better choice but i doubt they would ever fix the 29s FM

the MiG-29 isn’t gimped in any way and it’s FM was significantly overperforming on release

I mean that’s just an argument for fixing the Mig-29 flight model, not adding the R-27ER to the game.

Additionally, even if the Su-27 has been nerfed that bad, that’s not an argument to add the R-27ER before the AIM-120. I mean the Su-27 is already OP due to its missiles, I can’t even imagine how broken it would be if it has its current loadout and accurate flight model.

I’m sorry that you were sold propaganda, but the Su-27 and MiG-29 aren’t physics defying wunderwaffe like you were lead to believe

I never wanted the missile either. Most of us didn’t ask for it/wanted it. It was supposed to have r73 on release but it ended up not getting it.

They said they want to add fox 3s together for everyone. I don’t know what they have planned