The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

Su-27 currently has an accurate flight model

I’m sure a full loaded f15 with bombs should curb stomp an 9.12 the lightest mig. Because this happens in game.

Then why add a missile that’s comparable to Fox 3’s before adding the rest of the Fox 3’s? I mean it’s obvious there is a huge performance gap between the current US missiles and the R-27ER.

if you’re losing to an F-15 laden with bombs it might be a you problem

I’ll be sure to tell that to the guy i killed. He couldn’t even 1C. I’m 100% sure it was a skill issue

“Russia not being given drastically overperforming planes so they can freely stomp is bad balancing”


No, only american fattasses get drastically overperforming planes to stomp everyone. F16 all artificially buffed FM (admitted by devs)


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no it has some issues still same with m4k and f15 i believe

no need for the anti-semitism mate

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This is my statement:

That post is the sub-topic in this topic I started. I have not deviated from those points.
I talked primarily of BVM as that’s what I wanted to address.

Under that ERA at the sides of the turret is a turret that looks like this to DM33:

Turrets on their own:

Alot of the BVM’s turret ERA is protecting air/inert points of the turret as you can see from looking between the two.

This is how I play tanks; I visualize what’s around & underneath armored areas.
It’s how I’ve been dealing with BVMs in my Type 90, M1A1/A2, Challenger 2, Leopard 2A5, and Leclerc ever since BVM released.

I ain’t saying BVM is not strong, cause the way players play the BVM it is strong.
It’d be a bad tank to play hull down when T-80U is a better option.

i get it if the ERA is removed via tanks or ifv unlike other tanks it doesn’t retain the same turret protection and their for is easier to kill
is that what your trying to say

So you mean if you ignore all of the ERA (which is what most of the armor of T-series tanks is), it’s really weak? Wow. “If you ignore the armor it’s really weak, it needs a buff!” Bruh.

I’m supplying the screenshots to help others visualize what I visualize when facing BVM.

What’s nerfed about the flight model and radar?

And what’s wrong with the mig29 fm?

we to be fair i think all the planes from this update have something wrong with their radars

Radar is copy paste rubin. Has issues with locking when it shouldn’t. FM: It’s low speed nose authority isn’t right. The autoflaps are permanently on and cause a lot of speed bleed at lower speed ranges.

Similar deal with the mig29 except it’s main adversary is also overperforming

you need to stop with these hostilities if their something wrong with a plane he can talk about it without some yank coming along saying nah its just bad irl with out knowing nothing about it

I don’t have VK

Yeah that the same issue with the gripen its a copy and paste f16c radar