The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

Have you seen the BRs american planes get compared to everyone else? This is my point. The spit mk24 is 7.0, were it on the usa tree it would be like 6.3

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Can I interest you in Challenger 2 TES with ERA+NERA from 2008 providing the same protection as VARMA NERA from the 70s while being almost triple the thickness


when it first came out It very good like it supposed to, I remember took Vikhr like ten times at side, but no damage done to the crew then they nerf it to wet paper (probably Russian main and their stupid heli crying about have problem dealing with TES)

This stance is really odd when most of the nations use either Russian or US exports (especially in terms of missiles), which is where the disparity lies. There is no way in good conscience anyone could say that the R-27ER is not overpowered and that the missiles the US has access to aren’t underpowered.


It had 1200 ce protection (what you would expect from a block that size) but then somone tried to do something with it (i dont remember what, i think it was ke protection) and they said we are bringing it to general values

It is overpowered. USA main crying is a factor it got added to the game. If you were on the old forums back then you’d know the story

Yeah, that what i expected it to do when it first came out take vikhr at the side and spit on their face is the most enjoyable moment i had when playing Brits (now it far beyond me to make it work really i did everything i could)

We (Legwolf) managed to pass the ASPRO-HMT report, so hopefully we get something done. I also passed the 2E and 2F sideblocks buff, so Cr2 might start to tank autocannons.

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Yeah makes no sense that the ERA performs no better

it got confused with some other era or protection if i recall right

Not sure, it was soo long ago. But in the end they decidec. M60 era in the files, get the generic values and go home.

That reminded me i had to make a Romor A report. Will do so tomorrow.

not like the British found the protection outdated and decided to upgrade as that not shown in game
like why would they get new ERA thats much heavier for just to provide the same protection

Yea, hopefully with the reports ASPRO-HMT and VARMA will be made true to open sources.


I’m sorry but believe it or not, having the majority of your hull/turret completely bounce shots and then trying to argue that the tank has bad armor because you can shoot a small area of the breech and the lower plate is just one of the stupidest, most out of touch with gameplay things you can possibly say. That’s called, near immunity in fights, and as such, is overpowered.

and it’s not even accurate to real life in the slighest either, these things were getting mauled by RPG-7s in Chechnya

Sir, the turret isn’t breech.
It’s extremely hard to bounce firing at a BVM turret. People shoot the weakspots of Abrams turret just fine, and this is slightly easier cause the turret is far more obvious.

Saying one has difficulties shooting the BVM turret is saying one has difficulties shooting Abrams turret weakspots.

The entire BVM turret is immune, again, not accurate to real life, but that is shockingly good

That’s great and all except I’m not aiming for the turret on the Abrams. YOU AIM FOR THE HULL. The Drivers Hatch is a one shot, the hull can be penned anywhere. The giant bloody weakspot on the tank that even getting a slight angle on is an insta kill for even the British guns. I love fighting the Abrams because it’s easy to kill in this game.

The BVM, even if you can snipe the driver’s hatch, almost never is an insta kill because it just magically chooses not to spall 90% of the time and only kills the turret crew member on the side you get through, even though it should be getting the driver, it almost never does.
And again that ignores that THE ENTIRE HULL OF THE BVM IS IMMUNE except for the lowest part which can be a pain to snipe and means if you wiggle the tank at all it becomes near immune from the front.
And since Russia like 25% of the time you ammo rack the carousel it just casually chooses to not explode.
I’m not saying the tank is just completely perfect but jesus christ you’re absolutely delusional if you think it’s anything like that irl, and that it’s not dominant in the tier.

But you are delusional because you said the Chally 2 is fine despite it being the worst top tier MBT

No it isn’t…
This is DM23: Easily pens the turret, and DM23 doesn’t face BVMs.
No real aiming necessary, and it only gets even easier to pen with DM33 and L26.

BVM has never had serious armor outside the UFP & the far extremes of the turret for one shot.

again you’re just casually ignoring the whole turret being greyed out
good stuff

you know thats them same with every tanks matlet right just some are much bigger then others

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