The Exaltation of the USSR and the Exaltation of Europe and the USA

The ammunition does not reliably detonate when struck directly as opposed to other nations however.

The upper glacis is 809mm RHAe vs KE and 1209mm RHAe vs CE, this is among the highest armour in the game.
The turret cheeks range between 689mm - 807mm RHAe vs KE, this is again among the highest in-game.

The composite armour of the T-90A’s turret, T-90M’s turret and exact performance of Kontakt-5 and Relikt against various ammunition types isn’t known however. Gaijin uses estimates for these armour values.

The T-80BVM was overpowered.

There’s an error in which the glacis armour of many T-series tanks is modelled however, most of them are overperforming by around 50-100mm due to how the LoS RHAe is converted to vertical RHAe.


Oh hi. You have chosen the torch of a white knight for Russia. Respectable; I however must refute your defense of their military equipment.

T-80BVM was never overpowered. OFL 120 F1 ammo performance, armor better than a Leclerc worse than Leopards especially those of Swedish origin, and not as powerful in pressure as other MBTs.

BVM’s UFP, which is 730 - 770mm LOS BTW, means nothing when its turret is <400mm protected against KE.
DM23 pens most of the turret; and nearly all the turret once the front ERA is gone.

Highest armor in game BTW goes to Leopard 2A5+ turrets which have 730 - over 800mm of protection.

Ammunition reliably detonates if you aim for it. Just cause 2A5, Ariete, Leclerc, & T-series have identical 0.15 cook chance doesn’t mean that’s your maximum chance. More fragments that hit ammo the higher the chance of cook.

T-90M’s turret is currently T-90A with slightly less weakspots. Relikt & K5 protection values are well known.

T-80BVM’s bad turret is why the meta in BVM is to rush the enemy.
It’s useless hull-down so you might as well pressure the enemy.

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That is not the ammo cookout chance, it is a chance for a explosion of your tank dead body when you are killed

Oh? Are you certain?
Cause the datamine community led me to believe otherwise.
Either way it’s identical to other tanks.

From what i know gszabi said that it blooms out here and there on reddit as a ammo exp chance, but it is not it, it is a model explosion after death

Also he is not white Knighting russains stop with ur maskirovka.

Every MBT in War Thunder has poor armour surrounding it’s gun mantlet.

It’s just a coincidence that your T-80BVM has the highest win percentage out of any top-tier MBT you play.


Your screenshots are null & void because you’re looking from 0mm off the ground. No tank gun is 0mm in height.
The only time you’ll ever have those shots against a T-80BVM is if they’re on a hill and you’re below them, which you’ll just shoot the LFP instead.

Dude, you’re claiming the ENTIRE turret is the gun mantlet… wow.

Over-lapping armor glitch is well known, that is an issue on Leopard 2s as well which is why I didn’t include the 1200mm protection on Leopard 2s as that’s part of the glitch.

There’s no public win-rate data, and win-rate is a factor of team skill, not power of a vehicle.
KDR compared to other tanks played by the same person is the factor of a vehicle.

I’d say about 95% of this community does not understand how the Armour Analysis tool should be used, that’s why I’ve created a chart that explains it to them so that they can start to use it correctly.

Read this please:


I advise you to go and read the German Bild and Die Welt about the recent visit to Poland of German specialists in which the German leopards of the sixth series are being repaired. And you will find out that they were surprised to learn that more than half of the faulty tanks never met the enemy, but were damaged as a result of the absolute inability to move across the fields of Ukraine. The point that is especially clearly noted is that if you do not loosen the basic tension of the caterpillar on the rollers, then soon the caterpillar will simply break. You can read the Washington Post, which published an article about the superiority of Russian tanks on the very day the Abrams were handed over to Ukraine. I won’t even talk about the Challenger; the complete lack of interest of other countries in it speaks of its effectiveness. Leclerc is very expensive and in terms of price-quality ratio it is not at all successful. Yes, NATO tanks are superior to Russian tanks in cities, but in the field they are not only the most noticeable target, but also a target that cannot move normally across this field, and let us not forget that in reality the loader cannot load in 5 seconds.

That chart is null & void cause the camera goes below the gun.
On top of that you didn’t do that, you went below the hull as indicated by the fact the gun top was not visible.
The gun is depressed by 1 degree.
Mounted 2 meters above the ground 1 degree is ~120 meters.
The top of the gun should be visible beyond 120 meters FROM THE GROUND.
And it should always be visible from Abrams because gun mount is of similar height.

The underside of the barrel should never be seen on T-series tanks when checking armor.
No tank is short enough to see the underside of its barrel within 120 meters, and few are able to see it at 10 meters.

Where did you get these statistics? Recently, the Russian-speaking community conducted an analysis of all the replays available on the official War Thunder website and the situation is, to put it mildly, terrible

This is where I got this screenshot, you can watch it with subtitles, the rest is explained there:

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Look, if you don’t want to understand/read the chart that explains everything, please just say so.


That data has 34 more datapoints than it should have.
It should have exactly 500 [50 x 10 tech trees], it has 534. So there is 34 points that shouldn’t be there.

I’m not sure what you are trying to say here.

I never claimed Russian winrates right now are good.
What I’m pointing out is that the T-80BVM prior to the current patch performed the best in terms of overall winrate, and that this was the case for 2+ years.

And to be clear: I’m not claiming Russian Bias, I’m merely pointing out that Russia has just enjoyed a long period of being the strongest top-tier nation.

Okay, players were skilled. Who cares?
Leclerc players are skilled, that doesn’t make Leclerc as good as 2A5 just cause they’re skilled at winning.

If you translate the video, you can find out that this is not absolutely the entire win rate of nations. This is the win rate specifically of the top tier, that is, people who managed to reach the highest ranks and are now playing there, with T80bvm, abrams, leopards, strv, tkx, challenger 2. And as you can see, two of the three most popular nations are at the very bottom.

I don’t understand google translate confused

Statistics have 7 percent margin of error.

Sadly this is the case with many nation/tier combos at the moment, it’s not just USSR vehicles’ problem.