The Eurofighter is gettig the Leo treatment

It feels like The EF is the Leopard of Air battles. Its has been nerfed multiple times without recciving a singel buff. While The rafale is getting unrelastic buffs, for example it being able to reach mach 2 in the dev server. Even Dassult themself has stated a top speed of mach 1,8. The Su30sm radar also more complete than then the CAPTOR that has been in the game for 3 months. Radar is unfinnished, AOA nerfs, T/W nerfs, brimstones that does not exists And missing radar modes. The Nerfs are so forced they are not even trying to hide it


Its german air/ british. It has to suck you know.The snail demands it.


The Typhoon has been barely nerfed exactly once, and it’s not even much of a nerf.

13G 28.4 instant and that’s with a quick test.
Barely a nerf, still the best airframe at top BR.

Your post glazing Rafale and trashing on Typhoon is an annoyance.
Why do you care the inferior Rafale got buffed? Typhoon has been buffed more.

Typhoon has had zero thrust nerfs, and zero mass nerfs.

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Should nerf it more