The Dystopian Nighmare of Playing the F4E/Kurnass

Here are a few problems I’ve found trying to grind the Kurnass/F4E:

  1. It has an awful radar compared to the planes it regularly (almost exclusively) fights (ie. the F4S and Mig23ML)
  2. It’s nearly impossible to receive any sort of down-tier due to poor implementation of the BR changes leaving a massive hole in 10.3-11.0
  3. The missiles are also drastically weaker compared to its regular competitors (DF vs Aim7f and R24R)

Before the F4e had ample opportunity for downtiers making it fun and viable, now its food for premium players with drastically better missiles and radars. I once had a session where I played against F4S’s like 10 games in a row, it’s horrible to only evade all game because I can’t joust.

Also, whoever decided the mig23ml should be at 11.7 while the f4e sits at 11.3 must have been on drugs so powerful the cartel wouldn’t touch it


I mean with the flight model nerfs and the radar being useless above 1.8km it makes sense that its not 12.0

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I would disagree. The power of the mig23ml is in its r60’s, which act comedically close to aim9m’s sometimes. I recognize that I can flare the missiles most of the time, but considering how much easier it is to flare python3’s and aim9l’s its a busted missile.

Please tell you aren’t getting filtered by the worst all aspect missile its literally a one flare as long as you aren’t doing full AB in a twin engine


I’m turning, flaring, 0% throttle, and that missile will relock randomly. I don’t have this problem playing against any other missile other than maybe magic’s. But even then, I would say I have a higher success rate against magics.

Not the R-60MK it has a slightly higher flare resistance. It also seems to relock a lot. But it is due to the fact that people keep there engines on and this missle is so sensitive to heat.

Okay you’re baiting if you’re trying to say you have a higher success rate against magic II also just tested the F4 against the Mig-23 in a rate fight and wow the F4 shits on it so hard its a joke didn’t realise actually how bad they fucked the flight model but then again gaijin only knows how to increase drag and thats it


TBF unless you fly the F5’s like a rat in an air (me). Those dogfights are few and far between.

No it doesn’t they’re a complete 1 to 1 in the files there isnt a single difference between the R-60M and R-60MK


I was talking about the first R-60 vs the M/MK

12.0 isnt 13.7 you can still do WVR

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F-4E is an amazing plane it’s fine where it is. I don’t directly have the American one, but I have the F-4EJ which is at the same BR, without Agile Eagle, and without 7E2. The F-4E is a fun plane to play, and it perfectly fine. It is still possible to easily get 5+ kills per game.

Not baiting, just personal experience.

Nobody here is talking about the base R-60 why did you bring it up

Yeah thats a lie unless you’re purposefully flying into headdons and forgetting to flare


But it is still not every game. Most of the time it come down to the missiles.

If you’re incapable of notching, going cold or multipathing then sure but thats a skill issue and not a reason


The radar was made so MTI only works is a dive, putting it at the F-4E’s level at best.

When above the target.*
Fixed it for you.

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Search only works if the nose is below the horizon line- ie in a dive. While it can track targets below, you need to achieve and maintain a lock to do so. Additionally, the opponent being lower means you are higher- silhouetted against the sky and receiving no multipath protection.