The double standard when talking about the Brimstone's capabilities

Rooivalk : Nope the Ka52 is better. Even the Mi28. The Vikhr missiles are the best in the game mainly because it’s beam riding where as the Mokopa though has better pen, it’s still suffers from the same drawbacks as the hellfire.

GR4: only standout feature is the hell… brimstones which arent good when there is enemy spaa. And again still suffers from the same draw backs as the hellfires

GR7: in terms of CAS is no where near as good as the SM3 because of the mavericks.

Griphen: is the only thing that is better than the Russian counterpart.

In case you forgot, we literally had this discussion not too long ago:

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The answer is simple “SPO-15”

Ka-52 fires worse AGMs, is just as fast, is a higher BR, and has the same thermal solution.
Vikhr is not even top 5 missiles anymore: Mokopa, SPIKE, PARS3 buffs, AKD-10, were all added to the game since AGM-114 and Vikhr were king. Vikhr has also been nerfed 5 times.
“But I can climb in my Ka-52 and get killed by SPAA instantly!”
Russian fantasy may make people think Ka-52 is better than western gear, but it isn’t. It’s at best on-par.
Unlike fixed wing aircraft, helicopters require no SPAA to exist, namely Ka-52, Apache, Rooivalk, and Z-10.

AGM-65D/Gs are what make the Harrier GR7 as powerful as Su-25SM3.

Test server statcard of you.
Neither of us can comment on the alleged bugged implementation of Brimstones cause neither of us has confirmed its implementation, all we can speak on its Brimstones IRL performance.

I will have the GR4 within 20 minutes, and start the testing of Brimstones within 2 hours.

actually the russian ATGMs are faster by about 70m/s with a slightly larger warhead adding to that the wonky damage model of the KA50/52

You mean the damage model that was fixed last major update… that no one complained about since last major update [except to claim helicopters are useless now].

Speed is not everything, yes the speed of Mokopa and Vikhr are nice, which marginally makes Mokopa the best missile in the game due to its other factors, but speed is at most an issue of hitting a tank before they go into cover, which if you setup correctly they won’t be able to do.

Please read the spreadsheet before talking about it’s engine performance. The Mokopa has a short burst where it will reach that max speed for a short time then decrease afterwards. The Vikhr can maintain it’s speed for a lot longer.

You always seem to gloss over the fact that the Vikhr is a beam riding missile meaning that it can still accurately hit the target even when behind in smoke. None of these missiles have that capability. It can also reliably hit target that is behind terrain features such as bushes, trees and etc.

Again all of the things I just said was mentioned in the post I linked in.

The hellfire hasn’t been king in such a long time. To say otherwise is nonsensical

The Vikhr has been nerfed multiple times because when it was introduced, it was historically inaccurate as well as extremely broken. Even after the nerf it is still one of the best missiles in the game. This is widely accepted by the community.

Again please read the post I linked in because I already debunked “But I can climb in my Ka-52 and get killed by SPAA instantly!”

This has nothing to do with real life bro, this is a game. Warthunder doesn’t represent the real world. People are not defending Russian equipment, they are talking about it’s performace in game not in real life. When you say things like this, you make yourself look like a fool.

Again with the mavericks… I’m not gonna beat dead horse. Majority of the community understand that the mavericks cannot be played like the KH38s. It needs to be played within the short to medium range for it to be used effectively.

Read this thread. I had a heated debate with someone and even he acknowledged that playing the mavericks at high altitude doesn’t work

I don’t need to play it when I can watch others. And from watching others, it operates the same way as hellfires. The only positive is the platform it’s being launched from. If you launch from mach 1.4, the brimstone will travel a lot faster however because of the missile itself, it will lose that speed significantly the farther it gets.


@HondaCivici You seem to gloss over the fact that Mokopa is a laser guided missile, which means you can fire large salvos of the most potent helicopter AGM in the game. Granted AGM-114K has the best anti-tank performance of all these missiles, it’s just 8km hard.

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I don’t want to jump into a debate i’m no part of, but it certainly feels worth acknowledging that Ka-52 (And by extension Mi28NM) have a much easier ride than just about every other countries stuff in this particular regard, simply by virtue of them permanantly existing on the Pantsir team.


All top missile SPAA in the game use missiles that far exceed helicopter ranges.

Eh… Israel, Italy and Japan have nothing. UK & US have an exact range match with Vikhr, All Kamov / Havoc really have to worry about is the three VT1 slingers (Two of which are in less played nations, the one of which in the popular nation has the god awful roland turret Ka52 can easily out-trade in the proxy joust and beat on the reload)… and besides that just TOR who is usually on Russia’s team too.

And anybody who has played top tier in recent times knows that BLUFOR hardly ever has top AA on the team, because half the team are one death leaving clickbaits & AIMS, whereas REDFOR has multiple people spawn Pantsirs every match.

I’m not trying to diminish the points you are making in regards to the raw capabilities of Kamov vs its peers, but the threat environment is incomparable. I have games in Saraph / Teapache where i literally get blown up by Pantsirs before i’ve even gotten the collective up lmao. Can’t say i’ve experienced that in Ka52 lol.


I mean… we’re all talking as if helicopters can do anything against us as-is when they can’t.
Basic onion layer implementation prevents us from even being seen by helicopters let alone engaged.
It’s why I can tell you the exact story of the last time I mutually engaged a helicopter as a tank, cause it happens about once a year at this point.

Praising Mokopa and SPIKE is great, but my tactics prevent even them from fragging me.

As someone who helplessly watches Vikhrs hurtle towards my Chapparal every match, i’d be interested to hear what that entails lol.

LOL completely total BS


Being near buildings, foliage, rocks, dead/static tanks.
Pretty much the last time I was engaged by a helicopter was a Ka-50 on Mozdok cause I was out in the open, and I warned my team of their presence 20 seconds prior to their first missile launch on my tank.
Took them 3+ Vikhrs to frag me cause I kept my front armor toward them, then in my respawn I fragged them with a proxy round.

If the Rooivalk had the Soviet flag in its statcard you’d call it OP.

That RU heli pilot must have skills issues rooivalk? OP? lol don’t make me laugh even it in soviet TT it not gonna be
It not bad heli but still can’t compare with KA-52 (it took FnF heli that some what better than them)it more like A129 with MAW and a little better hellfire

Right… definitely had NOTHING to do with the fact this is all they could see from 7km away:

Can’t hit the roof, and spotting the breach with the mk1 eyeball from 7km is hard.

lol i play heli like thousands times and i can tell you that there is no ways heli can see this angle it because in heli FOV it will be always higher than tanks “Always!!” not often or usually it ALWAYS!!

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Maps aren’t flat, especially Mozdok. That is all they could see, because I was on one of the couple dozen hills on the map.

Arguing with this person is like playing chess with a pigeon. Just ignore him.


This isn’t a gotcha moment like you think it is.

The time Salvos are useful is when guaranteeing a kill or going for multiple targets. If you fire 3 agms to a single target, you’re doing something wrong. But guess what the Vikhr can fire two shot salvo. The issue with going for multiple targets is that you will be in the open for a considerably longer time. That is risky.

The hellfire (and other similar agms) is a good agm IF it hits. That is why it sucks. Its not the damage its the uncertainty of getting a hit.

Again you’re still glossing over what makes the Vikhr so good. It’s a beam riding missile. If the Vikhr wasn’t beam riding guess what, it would suck though it will still be better than the hellfire because of engine performance

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