The British Mini-Typhoon the BAe EAP

I have looked here for a little while earlier, but I will have a deeper dive look into it.

Although for this evening I have a fair bit of work to do with no relation to war thunder/EAP so I’m done until tomorrow.

I will see if I can find who to ask for a full description of the EAP/ACA conversions because from my conversations with people related to the project, they always study arming BAe military products.


I’m not sure if they accept Flight International as a source but I remember seeing this but again, briefly looked over it.

Also it seems your research is getting up to par with mine haha.

Well, im just trying to help with what i can find in the internet :)

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That sounds like a stage of development to me. Proof it flies under Calculated Max Weight. It’s manuvering capablities under such weights. and the prep work for further development into full military prototype.

I can speak as an educated individual on this side of things. I’m more on the mechanical but my studdies did go over design in aircraft engineering. This sounds Like It was a the point where they we’re going to show it off and compete directly with Dassult for who would be the one leading the project. All it would need is a few days in the hangar for the engineers to fit everything, like the Radar. Re mount the RWR. Fit the pylons and wire them up to the correct pannels. perform the electical tests and it would have been an “Armed” Prototype.

Edit: Mild oversimplification of the process but the point is still made

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I certainly appreciate it.

Until tomorrow.

Also does anyone think if I tag a few Dev’s I stand even a marginal chance of getting their input, of course I know Smin has a large degree of say on the community side but I can’t help but feel that given what I’ve provided, if the answer is no its coming from the developers and not him.

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I would wait with pinging devs untill we have absolute EVERYTHING we can find. When we are at the point we can find nothing else, then you can try.

See you tomorrow


A little gallery (Nothing mine)


There is a difference between a prototype of an intended combat aircraft and a technology demonstrator who’s primary purpose is to show a proof of concept of new technological developments in aerodynamics, construction and systems.

Quoting BAE themselves:

“EAP was intended to demonstrate active, full-authority digital fly-by-wire controls, a significantly unstable (by 15% of mean chord) canard delta configuration. It would feature new manufacturing materials and methods (including carbon fibre composites, aluminium lithium alloys and super-plastically formed diffusion-bonded Titanium) and advanced digital electronic systems, including a glass cockpit with a wide field-of-view head-up display (HUD).”

The Yak-141 was itself intended to be a combat aircraft and was the porotype of that combat aircraft program. As you just explained above, EAP was a demonstrator for a series of different concepts and developments that would be the catalyst that lead to the Eurofighter program, which was the actual intended combat aircraft. The Eurofighter program had its own series of prototypes which would be more comparable to the Yak-141 prototype situation, in that they were intended combat aircraft. The EAP was only ever a developmental stepping stone.

It really isn’t a fight. We have explained why the EAP is not coming. Im just trying to do my best to answer some of the follow up questions.

People seem to misunderstand that its not about “proving” me wrong or trying to justify the EAP meeting a certain criteria. We have already studied the aircraft and its simply too far off being a solid combat platform. Made even less necessary when other aircraft exist to be added to the British tree.

I would just add that Community Managers do not decide on content additions, nor have any degree of decision on what comes. Developers are the only people to make those decisions. So my personal opinion does not come into it. Aircraft such as EAP have already been reviewed and given the situation of the aircraft, coupled with more suitable candidates for the British tree being possible, it was already decided as something not planned to come.

Again, if more solid material that solidifies some of the theoretical claims made comes to light, then its never a “never ever” situation for anything. Simply that on the basis of what has already been shared here, nothing has significantly changed with the matter of the EAP being any more practical or real than previously as a combat aircraft with all of the necessary systems and requirements needed to be a functioning aircraft in game.

Respectfully again, its clear that there is passion behind this aircraft to some. But going round and round with the same materials and pinging me or others with that is not going to lead to it coming to the game. Efforts would best be focused on solidifying the theory behind many of the aspects of the aircraft currently and aiming towards making a community suggestion as an end result.

We have answered all we can for now on this.


The FGR.2 was added to WT before I started playing. So in the 3 years I have been playing, the UK has not had a good top tier fighter added. The closest thing we have had is the GR.7 being strong when 9Ls were still good. I’m also fairly confident that whatever addition the UK gets in the next update won’t be a meta multi-role fighter like what every other nation will have. I thought the explanation for this was that the UK had no options. Now the devs are saying they do have options?


Well of a foreign aircraft that we could get right now both can be multi role

I know we have options if we look at commonwealth vehicles, but I’ve always got the impression they are reluctant to do that, even to fill in gaps.

If we get a Gripen or CF-18, I will buy you the premium chally2 (or something else if you want a good premium)

During certain periods of time wherever the game is at that given moment, not all nations do have candidates at each of those stages. That is correct. As the game progresses and things move forward, then that situation naturally changes.

Italy had a similar case when it had the F-104 for a long time as others progressed through multiple platforms.


We will probably get the gripen and i already have the GE for the chally save it for yourself my guy but if not im gonna be very sad

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Japan has nothing domestically available for the current “era”. Gets an invented F-16
Soviets has dozens of potential options for this “era”. Gets an aircraft that was never armed, fitted with radar or RWR

Britain, has nothing domestically available for the current “era” (If you ignore the Sea Harrier FA2, Harrier GR9A, Tornado Gr4, Typhoon DA2, BAE Hawk 200 or upgraded Tornado F3 ) …

… gets nothing

New Zealand F-16s were more real than Japanese F-16s… nope

What about a prototype aircraft that has now been proven to have been planned to receive everything required for an aircraft in WT… nope

There really is a set of rules for the soviets, a set of rules for everyone and a set of rules for Britain. It is absolutely insane just how much effort they put into make sure Britain doesn’t get anything good and even when we do get something good, it gets nerfed so badly that it is pointless to use (looks at L27A1 shells on the CR2s among other things)


i dont wanna be that guy but think about being a kid into planes and your country makes this cool prototype and you thought it was cool and wanted to see it flying then your country falls apart and plane disappears. 30 years later you are a developer at a games company and have the means to add this cool aircraft you want into your game. this is how i imagined it happened so unless someone who calls the shots is a british person around 40 there wont be an EAP as they will have no incentive to push those boundaries

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Like the Yak-141!?

Only the Yak-141 had 22 recorded short haul flights with 3 recorded as a failure and 1 of those as a catastrophic failure resulting in a full crash… EAP had 259 long haul successful flights. Also YAK-141 was not built to have features it has in game. The YAK-141 was a failed propaganda vehicle… the EAP was a successful demonstrator that went on to be a successful aircraft known as the Typhoon and was built to accommodate all designed features.

Also ASRAAMS were used in at least two test fires from the EAP aircraft… to test if they could be used without a Radar… and the tests were successful. The missile then went on Tornado’s and Typhoons.

If the Yak-141 is in game… there is more reasons for the EAP to be in it.


What are these things ?

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do you have evidence of the asraam firing? if so post it here

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