The British Mini-Typhoon the BAe EAP


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They hold a grudge against Britain being the nation who gets the rules bended…


Ik i typed it in a sarcastic meaning


Sorry, after I get into my thinking mode I stop seeing the sarcastic stuff haha.

Dont worry :)
Also do you have the books on you? If so take a pic of all pages and let them decide

I do have the book for now, eventually I do have to return it. I’m not sure if I would even be allowed to take all the pages and then distribute them but it could be an option. As of current I just took pictures of relevant information.

My interpretation from Smin is that for Gaijin to add it they want me to somehow obtain the designs for a complete EAP/ACA when they’re locked in some sort of BAe archive and I wouldn’t know which string to pull on, let alone if I even have access to that string.


You can also try higlighting crucial information. Like taking the eap tail adding a giant red circle and saying RWR goes there


So for all practical purposes this was a prototype in the early stages of being fitted for armmement tests, called a tech demonstrator as to not casue a political issue? and gaijin is taking that as gospel reason to not add this?

yep sounds about right for their double standard crap. i can’t wait to see them add the T-95 or whatever the fuck that one “modernised” T-90 thing was that I’m 99% sure was just a wooden mockup turret on a T-90 hull. and callit “very real and built prototype must be added kumrade))))))”

Don’t forget Smin’s favourite double-standard excuse:

‘It was capable…so we gave it to them.’


If BAe said on their website ‘the EAP was a prototype multirole fighter for the united kingdom which would be able to carry all weapons currently in service with the UK’, then they would just find another excuse to not add it.

I have nothing against Smin. He is a messenger, conveying statement from Gaijin. He cant go and say anything out of line, as it will be taken as Gaijin statement. You can even see it in His response. “It is excellent and well researched” . You can read between the lines that in normal situation it would be enough, but Gaijin does not want EAP, so it is impossible to add it.


“uhhh Not pained grey Kannot be added Kumrade)))))))))))))))))))))” deletes forum post and bans you

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I have nothing against them as an individual. I do find it questionable that they continue to work for GJN, especially given they know even more gory details of what GJN are like behind the scenes. But I appreciate not everyone gets to choose who they work for at every stage in their life.

They are just the community manager/messenger though, and as a rule my disgust is generally aimed at the decision-makers telling Smin what they have to say.

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I do appreciate this, particularly the sentiment. The source on the radar is forthcoming.


That looks like a Tornado F.3 fin with only a rear facing RWR fairing. That raises the question of where the front facing antenna would go on the EAP. On the F.3 they were behind a fibreglass radome in each wing root. I don’t recall seeing anything like that on the EAP.

For reference this is the F.3 RWR location. The section of the leading edge that is a different colour to the wing / fuselage is the radome hiding the RWR antenna:

Essentially yes, it had and hadn’t begun being armed, they hadn’t started fitting things like pylons, but the prep work for these things had begun. And yes the name is entirely political, even the book gives that impression.


I will just leave this here
I will just add the link
@Rileyy3437 you might find something there

That’s true I only have the picture for the rear fairings, i’d have to look further into the other aspects (forward facing fairings). Although IIRC the entire leading edge was fibreglass.

IDK if it was here

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