perhaps this question has already been asked, but I returned after months of break, and I noticed that at a certain point, if the team is losing momentarily and there isn’t much left, the points suddenly accelerate, and this made me lose the match, as I was really missing a base capture that I was heading towards to take it away from my opponents and thus win the match, but I noticed while I was running that the points started to accelerate at a certain point and I didn’t have time to get to the base. I don’t understand why this happened, I was still alive I could have made the team win and then this happened.
The less players on either team, the faster that team’s ticket bleed will go. It gets incredibly fast after 3 or less players, speeding up even more respectively.
I should add, it only accounts for people currently spawned in.
Hasn’t this thing been around for a long time? in any case I find it senseless, it’s a significant penalty
I forget which update it was, but it has been around for a couple years I believe. I also do not like it, it tends to speed up games way too quickly.
I probably didn’t remember it, in any case you’re right, but above all it doesn’t give you the possibility of being able to play all your cards until the end
something crazy happened, I was the last one left, the bleeding then started to increase, I was running to the enemy base, they controlled 2 of us, 1, I managed to go to the base, I entered and I was starting to take it away, consequently they had 1 and we had 1, and the bleeding should theoretically stop, but instead it didn’t, it continued anyway and we lost. this system is ridiculous and unfair and should be taken away